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Arkansas Turkey Stamp promotes habitat conservation and awareness

Feb. 12, 2020

LITTLE ROCK — The inaugural Arkansas Turkey Stamp is now available to order through the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission’s online licensing system at Conservation-minded individuals may also order the stamp at any license dealer, regional office or AGFC nature center. The stamp is not required to hunt turkeys in the state of Arkansas, but was created to give conservationists and turkey enthusiasts a way to help support conservation efforts for the species.

Learn to burn at the AGFC’s prescribed fire workshops

Jan. 10, 2020

LITTLE ROCK — The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission, in cooperation with Quail Forever and the Arkansas Forestry Association, will host special workshops for land managers on how and when to use fire to promote better wildlife habitat on their property. Workshops are scheduled for Ash Flat and Jonesboro in the next few weeks.

Build better habitat with fire through special workshops

Nov. 13, 2019

LITTLE ROCK — The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission and its conservation partners are offering four free workshops for landowners interested in beginning or improving the use of prescribed fire on their property to increase wildlife habitat this December.

Saline County landowners burn their way to better habitat

Sept. 4, 2019

BENTON – Some Arkansas private landowners aim to restore part of their acreage to experience quail or turkey hunting they may have enjoyed decades ago. Other landowners, though, may not be focused on hunting. They may just want a plan to dispense with nonnative grasses and Chinese privet dominating their land and turn those acres over to native plants more conducive to wildlife – not just quail or turkey, but the all-important pollinators and what is termed “watchable” wildlife.

Prescribed fire promotes habitat for turkey, quail and other ground-nesting birds

April 17, 2019

LITTLE ROCK — As hen turkeys begin to nest and hunters continue searching for a receptive gobbler, an occasional image is shared throughout coffee shops and social media that causes hunters to cringe - a failed turkey nest sitting in an area cleared with prescribed fire. Controversy surrounding growing-season burns is ignited every year when an outdoors enthusiast happens upon such a site, but improved habitat across thousands of acres creates far more opportunities for nests and brood-rearing than the single nest or two seen after a prescribed fire.

Learn to burn at the AGFC’s prescribed fire workshops

Jan. 16, 2019

LITTLE ROCK — The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission, in cooperation with Quail Forever and the Arkansas Forestry Association, will be hosting special workshops for land managers on how and when to use fire to promote better wildlife habitat on their property. Workshops are scheduled for Malvern, Mountain View and Ash Flat in the next few weeks, and more will be scheduled as the year goes on.

Flame on for northern bobwhite habitat

April 25, 2018

LITTLE ROCK - Prescribed fire and bobwhite quail -- one restores a natural process, the other is a natural species. Prescribed fire will take place without quail but quail will not thrive without prescribed fire. How do we get more fire on the ground? We must first understand its benefits and specifically how they relate to bobwhite quail.