Star City workshop to help the habitat for quail and turkeys on your property May 14
May 8, 2019
STAR CITY - The Arkansas Game an Fish Commission will host a special workshop on improving wild turkey and northern bobwhite habitat at the C&L Electric Cooperative Building from 6 to 8 p.m., May 14. The building is at 900 Church Street in Star City.

AGFC, Quail Forever hosting landowner workshop in Monticello
March 7, 2018
MONTICELLO – The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission and Quail Forever will host a special landowner workshop devoted to northern bobwhite management at 6 p.m. March 13 at the AGFC Regional Office in Monticello.

Pen-raised quail short-lived substitute, habitat long-term solution
Feb. 28, 2018
LITTLE ROCK – When Arkansas’s deer herd reached a scant 500 individual animals statewide in the 1940s, the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission stocked deer from other states to bring the population back. The same practice brought back Arkansas’s bears, alligators and elk. Even turkey populations rebounded after stockings from transplanted wild birds. In all of these cases, stocking may have been the easiest piece of the puzzle to see, but it was far from the complete story.