Arkansas’s wild turkey survey indicates 10-year high in reproduction
Oct. 20, 2022
SPRINGDALE — Commissioners with the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission heard some good news about Arkansas’s turkey population during a presentation at today’s monthly meeting held at the J.B. and Johnelle Hunt Family Ozark Highlands Nature Center. AGFC Turkey Program Coordinator Jeremy Wood gave some preliminary results of the 2022 Wild Turkey Population Survey, which indicates some of the best reproduction in parts of Arkansas since 2012.

Take your food plot to the next level with the AGFC
Aug. 24, 2022
LITTLE ROCK — The Witt Stephens Jr. Central Arkansas Nature Center is hosting a free food plot and habitat management workshop from 1-3 p.m. Aug. 27 for individuals who want to get the most out of their deer management efforts.

Boost the wildlife potential of your hunting property
July 14, 2021
LITTLE ROCK — The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission and its partners in conservation are hosting special workshops throughout the state to help landowners improve the wildlife habitat on their property. Whether your focus is deer, turkey, quail or the many non-game species that depend upon healthy habitat, AGFC biologists want to help.

Private landowners, golf course honored for habitat work
Jan. 27, 2021
LITTLE ROCK – Four landowners and one corporate partner who have dedicated private acreage to increase habitat for wildlife through work with the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission private lands biologists, were honored with Private Landowner Awards at the Jan. 21 commission meeting. The awards, started by then-Chairman Ford Overton and AGFC Director Pat Fitts in 2019 with the honorees in attendance at the meeting, were planned again for spring 2020 before the coronavirus pandemic set those plans back.

Workshops teach landowners how to burn their way to better habitat
Jan. 20, 2021
COLUMBUS — The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission and Quail Forever are hosting special classes this February and March to teach landowners in southern Arkansas how to use fire to substantially improve wildlife habitat on their property.

Flames, thinning renew Devil’s Eyebrow
May 20, 2020
ROGERS — A partnership between the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission and the Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission, plus a healthy dose of fire, has reinvigorated one of Arkansas’s rarest habitats atop the rugged Ozark hills bordering Beaver Lake.

Landowner meetings clear way for wildlife habitat enhancement
Aug. 14, 2019
EL DORADO — Landowners and representatives from timber companies, non-profit organizations and state agencies representing more than 1.1 million acres of private land in southern Arkansas collaborated during June workshops in Hope and El Dorado to improve habitat for turkey, quail and other wildlife in Arkansas.