AGFC partner plans slate of events for pollinators
June 14, 2023
LITTLE ROCK — Quail Forever, one of the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission’s main partners in habitat restoration for upland birds and pollinators, has a slew of programs lined up for National Pollinator Week, June 19-25, that any conservation-minded person might be interested to attend.

Northwest Arkansas Quail Forever chapter announces annual banquet
Jan. 30, 2019
FAYETTEVILLE – The Ozark Prairie Chapter of Quail Forever has announced it will host the first annual Quail Forever Banquet on Feb. 9, 2019 in Fayetteville. The event will be held at the Fayetteville Town Center on Mountain Street starting at 6 p.m.

AGFC receives funding for one quail biologist, seeks approval for six more
June 21, 2017
The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission, which has already received matching funds from the Natural Resources Conservation Service to bring aboard a biologist devoted to habitat restoration for the northern bobwhite, is hoping that more NRCS money could be coming its way to bolster the AGFC’s quail initiative.