Artists urged to submit work for 2023 state quail and turkey stamp competitions
Dec. 7, 2022
LINCOLN — The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission, in coordination with Historic Cane Hill and the Arkansas Game and Fish Foundation, invites artists from throughout the nation to participate in this year’s expanded Arkansas State Quail and Turkey Stamp Art Competition.

AGFC’s newest quail stamp available; new Quail Program coordinator named
Sept. 7, 2022
A new Northern Bobwhite Conservation Stamp for 2022 is available for voluntary purchase, with the proceeds helping fund the Arkansas Game and Fish Commissions restoration efforts for quail in The Natural State.

Northern Bobwhite Conservation Stamp artwork to be unveiled
April 13, 2022
LINCOLN, Arkansas — The artwork for the fourth edition of the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission’s Northern Bobwhite Conservation Stamp will be unveiled in a ceremony at the Historic Cane Hill Gallery at 2:30 p.m. April 16.

Art contest elevates quail conservation in Arkansas
Dec. 22, 2021
LINCOLN — The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission has partnered with Historic Cane Hill to gain even more awareness for northern bobwhite conservation in Arkansas by creating a special art contest to determine the image to be placed on the next edition of the Arkansas Northern Bobwhite Conservation Stamp.

Quail and turkey stamps worth 10 times their value in habitat
Oct. 20, 2021
LITTLE ROCK — Nearly 6,000 acres of publicly-accessible property will see major improvements for wildlife habitat, thanks to the combined power of partnerships with the National Wild Turkey Federation’s Arkansas State Chapter and the sales of Arkansas’s voluntary turkey and quail stamps, according to a recent report given to the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission by AGFC Statewide Turkey Program Coordinator Jeremy Wood.