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Star City workshop to help the habitat for quail and turkeys on your property May 14

May 8, 2019

STAR CITY - The Arkansas Game an Fish Commission will host a special workshop on improving wild turkey and northern bobwhite habitat at the C&L Electric Cooperative Building from 6 to 8 p.m., May 14. The building is at 900 Church Street in Star City. 

Plum thickets add cover for ground-nesting birds, rabbits and deer

April 24, 2019

Every year wildlife biologists are asked what things landowners can plant to increase habitat on their property for quail, turkeys, deer and other wildlife. In truth, one of the best species to provide essential habitat may already be on the property.

Prescribed fire promotes habitat for turkey, quail and other ground-nesting birds

April 17, 2019

LITTLE ROCK — As hen turkeys begin to nest and hunters continue searching for a receptive gobbler, an occasional image is shared throughout coffee shops and social media that causes hunters to cringe - a failed turkey nest sitting in an area cleared with prescribed fire. Controversy surrounding growing-season burns is ignited every year when an outdoors enthusiast happens upon such a site, but improved habitat across thousands of acres creates far more opportunities for nests and brood-rearing than the single nest or two seen after a prescribed fire.

Memphian restores acreage for quail, draws notice from Commission

April 17, 2019

EARLE – Walker Morris, who farms 250 total acres near Earle in Crittenden County, describes himself as a “recovering quail hunter.” His work to help restore the northern bobwhite earned him a Landowner Award, presented before the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission in its recent March monthly meeting. Morris was one of four landowners and families honored.

Natural Resources Conservation Service accepting applications for habitat incentive programs in 14 north Arkansas counties

April 17, 2019

LITTLE ROCK — Farmers and landowners in 14 Northern Arkansas counties have until May 17 to submit applications to receive financial assistance through the Environmental Quality Incentives Program to implement conservation practices in the North Arkansas Quail Focal Landscape Regional Conservation Partnership Program project.

AGFC and AFC partner with local landowner to benefit habitat through prescribed fire

Feb. 20, 2019

LITTLE ROCK —  People west of Little Rock may have seen smoke plumes in the air over local landowner Ray Vogelpohl’s  land near the Perry-Pulaski county line, but the small flames producing that smoke were a good thing for the future of wildlife on Vogelpohl’s property. Thanks to a partnership between Vogelpohl’s , the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission and the Arkansas Forestry Commission, the 24-acre burn was conducted safely and efficiently, hopefully setting the stage for many more to come. 

Create essential wildlife habitat with firewood

Jan. 30, 2019

LITTLE ROCK - For landowners who enjoy a nice fire in their hearth or woodstove, the best time of year to cut next winter’s supply of wood is during late winter. With a little extra thought to the resulting woodlands, this can also be a great time to add valuable wildlife habitat on the ground.