Buttermilk Fried Goose with Bluewing Syrup
Feb. 8, 2023
STUTTGART — With another end of duck season leaving most duck-hunting die hards in a slight state of depression, what could be better than a little comfort food using some of the geese you brought home during the last few months?

Get more from your ground venison
Nov. 23, 2022
Arkansas’s deer season is well underway with more than 120,000 deer harvested so far. Freezers across the state are filling with venison steaks, roasts and, of course, ground venison. Typically the loins and the tenderloins are the first cuts cooked up at home or camp, leaving a generous portion of ground venison at the bottom of the freezer. Wil Hafner, facility manager at Potlatch Cook’s Lake Nature Center in Casscoe, has a few tips and recipes to get more out of your ground venison.

Move past the poppers this dove season
Aug. 31, 2022
LITTLE ROCK — We have nothing against wrapping some wild game around a slice of jalapeno, and some cream cheese and searing it with a bacon coating on a hot grill, but that’s all it seems most dove hunters care to do with the bounty the opening day of the season can provide. We’ve lined up a few favorite recipes from folks at the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission that you might want to give a whirl this season instead of the normal “wrap it in bacon” mentality. No matter which recipe you choose, here are a few tips to keep in mind in the field and at the tailgate this Labor Day Weekend.

Practice conservation with crab-stuffed striped bass
Aug. 3, 2022
ROGERS — Catch-and-release might be the mantra of the modern angler, but when it comes to summer fishing, keeping a few for the grill or fryer can actually be more beneficial than catching and releasing fish all day on the water. Juan Granados of Hooked on Fishing Guide Service on Beaver Lake, may just have the best way to taste the fruits of conservation with this version of crab-stuffed grilled striped bass.

Swamp fries perfect dish for a southern supper
May 25, 2022
CASSCOE — Late spring and early summer are the perfect times to get out with friends and family to run a few jugs, limb lines or trotlines on one of The Natural State’s lakes or rivers in search of catfish. Living in the Delta along the White River provides many of these opportunities. The best part is not knowing what is on the end of that bouncing line until the angler reaches out to pull it from the water. If you’re lucky, you’ll discover a flathead catfish has taken the bait.

Fix up a Fowl Play Reuben for St. Patrick's Day
March 9, 2022
With St. Patrick’s Day right around the corner, we dug into the refrigerator to pull out some of the goose breasts left from last season to add some Delta flavor to a classic Irish-inspired meal. It takes some forethought to prepare the corned goose well ahead of time, but the results are well worth the wait. This play on a traditional Reuben will give you a great lunch at duck camp, too.

Go wild for your Mardi Gras celebration with this Big Easy dish
Feb. 23, 2022
Mardi Gras can be a celebration in many ways, and a feast of wild game on Fat Tuesday is how I like to celebrate. Wild game plays well into Cajun dishes due to the vast array of wild game found in the swamps of south Louisiana. Although jambalaya is a more traditional Cajun dish, pastalya uses pasta instead of rice. This easy one-pot meal can serve a crowd and can easily be whipped up on a weeknight.