AGFC proposing fishing regulation change at Sugar Loaf Lake
Sept. 15, 2021
MIDLAND — The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission is taking public comments on a proposal to remove the 13- to 16-inch length limit on largemouth bass at Sugar Loaf Lake in Sebastian County.

Take a stand for public land deer
Oct. 28, 2020
LITTLE ROCK — With the exception of maybe hunter orange and a rifle, few pieces of equipment are more representative of the white-tailed deer hunting experience as a tree stand. When scouting out places to hunt on public land, most hunters are looking for that perfect place to hang a stand about 16- to 20-feet against a tree to give them an advantage over their target. For hunters on private land, stands may sit for decades and include so many modern comforts, they resemble a child’s dream treehouse. Hunters using stands and ground blinds on public land in Arkansas, however, must have a “here today, gone tomorrow” attitude.

Bass anglers participate in a catch-and-keep tournament for conservation
July 22, 2020
PLUMMERVILLE — A winning weight of 10 fish for just over 10 pounds would have most bass-fishing tournament directors contemplating a permanent blacklisting of the lake from their schedule, but Jared Pridmore, director of the Lake Brewer Bass Club and owner of JP Custom Baits, was nothing but smiles when he saw the results of his “Tiny Fish Tournament” in April. The only thing that made him happier than the low weight was the sight of the fish-filled cooler where participants turned in their fish instead of releasing them to the water.