Progress at Lake Poinsett
Sept. 16, 2020
HARRISBURG — As trucks unload large gray riprap and spray improved shorelines around Lake Poinsett in Poinsett County, Brett Timmons and his natural resources program technician, Tristan Bulice from Arkansas State University, continue to drag artificial habitat structures to the bed of the lake, nearing the end of a three-year marathon. The 471-acre lake has been dry since 2017 to complete a massive renovation involving many moving parts.

Work begins on new Horseshoe Lake boat ramp
March 21, 2018
HUGHES – Anglers in east Arkansas soon will have an improved free launching site on Horseshoe Lake in Crittenden County. The Nancy and Pat Bonds Horseshoe Lake Access on the southwest corner of the lake will be temporarily closed to complete a major renovation for anglers to enjoy this gem of the Delta. The access is scheduled to reopen at the beginning of June.