Waterfowl guidebook available online
Oct. 7, 2020
LITTLE ROCK — The 2020-21 Waterfowl Guidebook is at the printer and will be arriving in AGFC regional offices, nature centers and local sporting goods stores and license vendors soon. An electronic version also is available for those who want to carry a copy on their electronic device, or simply want to get a sneak peek at what’s new for the season.

Turkey changes include new zones, season structure
June 10, 2020
LITTLE ROCK — Arkansas turkey hunters will see some major changes in their season next April, all focused to help recover the state’s eastern wild turkey population, which has seen some concerning declines during the last decade.

Archery bear hunt quota met in Zone 1
Sept. 26, 2018
MOUNTAIN HOME – Bear hunting with a bow was over nearly before it started this year in Bear Zone 1. In only three days, the 250-bear quota was met by bowhunters bagging their bruins.
The 72-hour season has some hunters scratching their heads, but Arkansas Game and Fish Commission Large Carnivore Program Coordinator Myron Means explains that it’s not due to a huge spike in the bear population or harvest-checking hijinks.

Arkansas bear survey includes opportunity for public participation
Sept. 27, 2017
Just about every hunting camp in bear territory has a tale or two to tell about a mischievous bruin finding its way into their feeder or trash bins. Over the years, those stories have expanded from the Ozark and Ouachita mountains into the southern half of the state, prompting Arkansas Game and Fish Commission biologists to keep a watchful eye on growing bear populations throughout Arkansas. As part of this expanded monitoring effort, biologists are asking hunters and outdoors enthusiasts to help record bear sightings through a simple online survey on iNaturalist.org.