2023 Arkansas duck season to begin before Thanksgiving
April 20, 2023
LITTLE ROCK — The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission today unanimously approved a change to the 2023-24 duck season dates to the traditional opener, the weekend before Thanksgiving.

Subscribe to Arkansas Wildlife now to get the 2021-22 calendar issue
June 9, 2021
LITTLE ROCK — Each year, people call into the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission asking when the opening day of their favorite hunting season is or when the AGFC plans to host derbies for Free Fishing Weekend, but there’s a way to have all that information right on your wall all the year through. The July 2021-July 2022 Arkansas Wildlife magazine calendar issue is loaded with all things outdoors, and is available to everyone who subscribes by the end of June each year.

AGFC Commissioner Meeting Notice
July 14, 2020
You are hereby notified that Commissioners of the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission will meet on the following dates and times to consider any business that may be brought before the Commission. Unless otherwise stated, meetings will be held at the AGFC offices, 2 Natural Resources Dr. in Little Rock.

Arkansas Wildlife calendar available to subscribers
July 8, 2020
LITTLE ROCK - One of the most requested items from the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission rolls off the presses and heads to people’s mailboxes each July. The calendar issue of Arkansas Wildlife magazine, the award-winning magazine of the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission, is being delivered to subscribers’ doors as you read this, and it’s not too late to act to get your hands on one.

AGFC Commissioner Meeting Notice
May 19, 2020
You are hereby notified that Commissioners of the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission will meet on the following dates and times to consider any business that may be brought before the Commission. Unless otherwise stated, meetings will be held at the AGFC offices, 2 Natural Resources Dr. in Little Rock.

Watch the May 2020 Commission Meeting Live
May 18, 2020
The May 21 meeting of the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission is available to watch beginning at 9 a.m.

Commission hears wildlife regulations changes
April 23, 2020
LITTLE ROCK – The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission heard the first reading of 100 changes to the AGFC Code of Regulations at today’s regularly scheduled meeting.