AGFC breaking down barriers for fish habitat
June 14, 2023
MOUNTAIN HOME — Many people may not know that World Fish Migration Day was May 21, but that didn’t stop the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission’s Stream Habitat Program from celebrating with a monumental effort. During May, the team was able to complete four stream barrier removal projects, restoring nearly 20 miles of connectivity to fragile warmwater stream ecosystems.

Join the build at Beaver Lake
Oct. 12, 2022
ROGERS — The AGFC and Hook, Line and Sinker Outdoors are looking for volunteers interested in improving the fishing at Beaver Lake in Northwest Arkansas. They will host another round of Beaver Lake Habitat days Friday and Saturday, Oct, 14-15 to sink trees in the upper end of the lake in the Joe Creek area.

AGFC habitat crews busy at Beaver
Dec. 15, 2021
ROGERS — Arkansas Game and Fish Commission crews used chainsaws to gnaw down nearly 900 invasive cedar trees during the last two weeks and recycled them into valuable fish habitat at Beaver Lake in northwest Arkansas.

Wild Science seminars offer updates on current AGFC-sponsored research
Feb. 3, 2021
LITTLE ROCK — The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission is hosting a monthly presentation on some of the latest conservation research with which it is involved titled, “Wild Science” for biologists, educators and the general public to enjoy.