Arkansas Wildlife Weekly Fishing Report
Dec. 1, 2022
Regular Fishing Report contributor Lou Gabric of Hummingbird Hideaway Resort on Norfork Lake welcomed four of his nephews to the lake during the Thanksgiving holiday, and they had a big time fishing. From left to right are Lane Floyd of Johns Island, South Carolina; Kenton Luff of Austin, Texas; and Cameron Luff and John Creighton from Spring, Texas.

Arkansas Wildlife Weekly Fishing Report
Feb. 3, 2022
A nice rainbow is displayed by an angler named Miles from Wichita, Kansas, who was fishing with guide (and Fishing Report contributor) Mike Winkler recently on the Little Red River. They were fishing pink San Juan worms on a deep-water nymph rig out of the boat with the floodgates open at Greers Ferry Dam. Photo provided by Mike Winkler.

Arkansas Wildlife Weekly Fishing Report
Feb. 18, 2021
Jessie Valleroyi joined in with the many anglers who are finding the brown trout excellent right now in the higher waters on the White River, thanks to all the generation from Bull Shoals Dam for the area's power needs. Browns love the water. Photo provided by Cotter Trout Dock.
Jssie Valleroyi

Arkansas Wildlife Weekly Fishing Report
Feb. 11, 2021
Jeff Jones didn't let the extra clothing to battle the cold weather stop him from battling and winning against a White River brown trout near Cotter Trout Dock recently. Photo provided by Cotter Trout Dock.

Arkansas Wildlife Fishing Report
Jan. 28, 2021
Regina Jaynes caught this amazing and massive brown trout on the White River last week. The fish was 29 inches in length and weighed 13 pounds. Photo provided by Dennis Jaynes.

Arkansas Wildlife Weekly Fishing Report
July 1, 2020
Hogging catfish doesn't get a lot of attention among our photos for the Fishing Report, but (from left) Lee Scallion, JT Whiteaker, Michael Conover and Jayke Throgmartin brought some cats in at Lake Chicot in southeast Arkansas June 6. "They will bite you," Scallion, who sent us the photo, said.

Arkansas Wildlife Weekly Fishing Report
April 22, 2020
One of Beaver Lake area fishing guide Austin Kennedy's neighbors, Larry (no last name provided), caught this whopper striper two weeks ago. Larry had never caught a striper before, so Austin says he "hooked him up." Photo provided by Austin Kennedy.