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Natural State fox at home in gray areas of habitat

April 12, 2023

Mention seeing a fox in the woods of Arkansas and most people will immediately think of a red animal with a white-tipped tail they’ve seen in depictions of European fox hunts or from animated films. The red fox is definitely at home in The Natural State, but another native fox species calls Arkansas home, and it may be even craftier than its ginger canid cousin.

Automated cameras capture wild moments in urban areas

Aug. 26, 2020

LITTLE ROCK — When bears and deer occasionally wander into city streets and suburbs, the news always takes notice, but all sorts of wildlife make a living right in the middle of many cities around the country. The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission and Hendrix College have launched a new research and outreach project that may shed some light on how wildlife in urban areas adapt to the presence of people.