Wild Science Webinar: September 2023 - Spring River Brown Trout and King Rails
Sept. 15, 2023
The Wild Science Webinar is a monthly series featuring Arkansas Game and Fish Commission staff and guest speakers presenting research and projects about Arkansas fish and wildlife. Joe Kaiser, Trout Management Biologist, will present "Spring River Brown Trout Growth and Diets" and Jess Schmit, master's student at the University of Arkansas, will present "Ain't no Rest for the Cryptid: Migration and Breeding Ecology of a Secretive Marshbird".

State seeks big fish tales for tiger trout record
April 19, 2023
COTTER — Arkansas’s famed trout tailwaters are home to some of the largest trout in the world, including the 40 pound, 4 ounce brown trout caught by Rip Collins in 1992 that held the world record spot for 17 years (and still holds the world record for 4-lb.-test fishing line). Now the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission will allow state record submissions for another trout species, this time for tiger trout.

Arkansas Wildlife Weekly Fishing Report
Sept. 30, 2020
Kara Reinbolt from Holiday Island recently brought in this nice 23-inch rainbow trout on the Beaver Lake tailwater. Photo provided by Austin Kennedy.