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Deer Management Assistance Program (DMAP)

Deer Management Assistance Program (DMAP) logo Nearly 90 percent of Arkansas is privately owned. People who hunt and maintain these properties have a large influence on the state’s deer quality and quantity. Every time a hunter pulls a trigger or releases a bowstring, they are making a management decision.

The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission’s Deer Management Assistance Program (DMAP) assists landowners and hunting clubs with the management of their local deer herds. Participants collect and submit biological data from the deer harvested on their property. In return, participants are provided with a customized, property-specific report with future harvest recommendations based on the club’s management goals.

Greenway Cultivating Partner Participants in DMAP learn:

  • The importance of balanced sex ratios and age structure
  • Disease monitoring, prevention, and abatement
  • Quality deer management principles
  • The importance of quality habitat and proper herd management for improved herd quality

Participants may also request a free habitat site visit and habitat management plan. Through this plan, AGFC biologists can provide additional recommendations for improving deer and other wildlife populations. Biologists may also be able to identify possible financial assistance to help manage the property.