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Big Spring

Area Specific Regulations
Catch-and-release areaTrout must be released immediately.Only artificial lures with barbless hooks may be used (natural or scented baits are not allowed).Chumming is not allowed.Anglers may use no more than one fishing rod or pole, and must attend it at all times. No other devices may be used to catch fish.Fishing is allowed from sunrise to sunset.Only youths under age 16, accompanied by an adult, and disabled anglers may fish Big Spring.Adult disabled anglers must carry proof that they are 100 percent permanently and totally disabled and possess a valid AGFC sport fishing, lifetime fishing, or combination hunting and fishing license, and a valid trout permit.No fishing in the "swimming hole" upstream of Big Spring as designated by signs.No motorized boats are allowed in Big Spring.Fishing derbies must be permitted in writing by AGFC District 2 Fisheries Biologist, and can include fishing with natural or scented baits, and harvest of trout.  
Area Type
Flowing Water
In Cotter, at the AGFC access to the White River, from its source to the confluence with the White River, unless otherwise specified 
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