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Buffalo River

Area Specific Regulations
Smallmouth bass daily limit is two and each must be at least 14 inches long to keep.From confluence with Clabber Creek downstream to the confluence with the White River, smallmouth bass daily limit is 1 and must be at least 18 inches or longer to keep.Outboard motors may not be used on the Buffalo River upstream from Erbie FordOutboard motors larger than 10 horsepower may not be used from Erbie to the White River.Baitfish and crayfish may not be used as bait unless they were caught on the Buffalo River or its tributaries.Gigging for rough fish, snagging for suckers and use of attended trotlines is permitted.Non-commercial capture of baitfish using traps or seines is permitted.Gaffing, hogging, noodling, yo-yo fishing and spearfishing are prohibited.Chumming is prohibited.Digging for bait is prohibited.
Area Type
Flowing Water
Detailed Interactive Map