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Crystal Lake


Crystal Lake is accessible from Arkansas Highway 102, east of Decatur. The AGFC access is off Arkansas Highway 59, northeast of Decatur.

Aquatic Vegetation


Area Specific Regulations

Use of common carp as bait is prohibited.

Area Type


Bottom Features

bedrock with some sandy timber flats


average depth of 10 feet, maximum depth of 35 feet


Decatur is named after the war hero Stephen Decatur, Jr. He was an American naval officer noted for his heroism in actions at Tripoli, Libya and in the War of 1812.

District Information

Click here for information about land-use policies on AGFC-owned lakes


The lake has a boat ramp and floating fishing dock for public use.

Fish Forage

minnows and small bluegill


Western Benton County, northeast of Decatur.

Major Sportfish

Largemouth bass, bluegill, channel catfish and crappie

Management Plan

View the AGFC Fishery Management Plan for this lake.

Other Points of Interest

While in Decatur, make plans to visit the Rogers Historical Museum in Rogers. The Annual Decatur Barbecue has activities for all the family.


Arkansas Game and Fish Commission


59 acres

Visible Cover

blown down trees and logs

Detailed Interactive Map