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Dr. Lester Sitzes III, Bois d'Arc


The lake is reached by taking Arkansas Highway 174 south from Hope to Spring Hill, then Arkansas Highway 355 south from Spring Hill to the lake. There are also signs indicating access routes from Arkansas Highway 29, 5 miles south of Hope.

Aquatic Vegetation

Water lilies

Area Specific Regulations

Crappie Regulations

  • Statewide daily limit of 30
Area Type


Bottom Features

Creek channel; gravel, sand and mud bottom




Average depth 5-6 feet; maximum depth 15 feet


Dr. Lester Sitzes III Bois d'Arc Lake (pronounced "bow-dark") is part of Bois d'Arc Wildlife Management Area, a 5843-acre bottomland hunting and fishing complex. The name Bois d'Arc (French for "wood of the bow") is a nickname for the Osage orange, a locally abundant tree once used by Indians for making bows. The lake was formed by damming Cedar Creek, a major tributary of Bois d'Arc Creek that flows just west of the lake. Excellent crappie, bluegill and redear fishing are the lake's main drawing cards. Two-pound crappies aren't unheard of, and in 1985, Bois d'Arc produced a 2 pound, 14 ounce state-record redear. Fishing for largemouth bass and channel catfish also is good. Boaters have access to plenty of good timber fishing. But if bankfishing is more to your liking, just grab your gear and pick a spot along the 4-1/2 miles of riprapped levee on the north, west and south sides. There's also a man-made peninsula near the lower boat ramp built especially for bankfishing.

District Information

Fisheries District 7
7004 Highway 67 East
Perrytown, AR 71801


The lake has two concrete boat ramps with adjacent courtesy docks and primitive camping areas. One is near the northeast corner, and one is midway down the east side. A fishing pier is near the lower ramp. Parking areas without boat ramps are at each end of the levee to benefit hunters and anglers. An overlook area near the spillway on the lake's south end provides an excellent view of the lake. Motels and restaurants are located near Interstate 30 in Hope.

Fish Forage

Gizzard and threadfin shad, crayfish, mollusks, aquatic insects


Lower portion of Bois d'Arc Wildlife Management Area, southwest Hempstead County, 6 miles south of Hope

Major Sportfish

Bluegill, channel catfish, crappie, largemouth bass, redear sunfish

Management Plan

View the AGFC Fishery Management Plan for this lake.

Other Fish

Blue catfish, bullhead, common carp, flathead catfish, grass carp, green sunfish, longear sunfish, warmouth, yellow bass

Other Points of Interest

Dr. Lester Sitzes III Bois d'Arc Lake offers good fishing year-round, and you may want to combine a fall or winter fishing trip with a hunt for ducks, deer, squirrels or other game on the adjacent WMA. The bottomlands surrounding the lake are a nature lover's paradise, where visitors can see alligators, wintering eagles, raccoons, minks, a wide variety of songbirds and water birds and other wildlife.


Arkansas Game and Fish Commission

Restaurants, Camping and other Facilities

Restaurants and motels are located in nearby Hope.


650 acres

Visible Cover

Stumps, standing timber, riprap along levees, buckbrush


Dr. Lester Sitzes III Bois D'Arc WMA

Detailed Interactive Map