Dry Run Creek
- Area Specific Regulations
From its source to the confluence with the Norfork Tailwater, as indicated by signs:
- Only youths under 16 and mobility impaired anglers may fish Dry Run Creek.
- Trout must be released immediately.
- Only artificial lures with a single, barbless hooking point per pole may be used (natural or scented baits are not allowed).
- Chumming is not allowed.
- Anglers may use no more than one fishing rod or pole at a time, and must attend it at all times.
- No other devices may be used to catch fish.
- Catching bait with bait tackle is not allowed.
- Fishing is only permitted from sunrise to sunset.
- Mobility impaired anglers may fish from only the piers and boardwalk.
- Mobility impaired card required for mobility impaired adult anglers.
- Area Type
Flowing Water
- Location
Outflow from Norfork National Fish Hatchery