- Area Specific Regulations
- Ski zone open to skiing and personal watercraft.
- Read special rules for AGFC lakes and access areas.
- Area Type
- Description
Lake Enterprise is a Bayou Bartholomew oxbow lake. It is located in Ashley County, in Southeast Arkansas. Lake Enterprise is approximately 81 ha (200 ac). Bald Cypress is abundant throughout the lake. Duckweed, Alligatorweed, and Water Hyacinth are also present and are treated annually with herbicide. The maximum depth of Lake Enterprise is 3.7 m (12 ft.) and the average depth is about 2.4 m (8 ft.). The water level of Lake Enterprise is managed by the AGFC as a result of an agreement in the Public Access Easement. If the lake is below 106 ft. MSL and the water level of Bayou Bartholomew is 8 ft. or higher, water is pumped from the bayou into a gravity flow ditch. If the water in Bayou Bartholomew is high enough to allow water to gravity flow into the lake, the pump is turned off. If the water level is above 106 ft. MSL, the gates present at the two weirs may be opened to release water from the lake. However, the gates are operated in such a way to keep Asian Carp from entering the lake from Bayou Bartholomew. Channel Catfish are the only species that have been recently stocked (2015-2019).