Jack Nolen
- Access
Lake Jack Nolen is accessbible off Highway 10 east of Greenwood, then off Chimsville Road.
- Aquatic Vegetation
Water willow, coontail and pondweed
- Area Specific Regulations
- Black bass daily limit is 6.
- No skiing or swimming is allowed in the lake.
- Read special rules for AGFC lakes and access areas.
- Area Type
- Bottom Features
Shale and mud bottom with many creek channels and root systems of standing timber
- Constructed
- Depth
Average depth of 10 feet, maximum depth of 34 feet
- District Information
Click here for information about land-use policies on AGFC-owned lakes
- Facilities
Two accesses with paved parking areas and concrete boat ramps serve boaters, while two long peninsulas and a roadside offer bank anglers a place to wet a line. Private residences border most of the lake.
- Fish Forage
Shad, minnows and sunfish
- Location
Southeast Sebastian County, east of Greenwood.
- Major Sportfish
Bluegill, crappie, redear sunfish, channel catfish, saugeye and largemouth bass
- Management Plan
- Other Fish
Green sunfish, warmouth, longear sunfish, bullheads, common carp, grass carp and blue catfish
- Ownership
Arkansas Game and Fish Commission
- Size
208 acres
- Visible Cover
Standing dead timber, stumps and willow trees