Marion McCollum Greenlee Lake
- Access
There are boat ramps on the north and south ends of the lake. From the I-40 junction in Brinkley take Hwy 49 south into Brinkley for 1.5 miles and turn left onto W Cypress Street and continue onto Hwy 70. To reach the north boat ramp from here, take Hwy 70 for 1.5 miles and turn right onto S Greenlee Lake Road. To access the south boat ramp, take W Cypress Street for 0.3 miles and turn right onto S Grand Ave for 1.5 miles. Then turn left onto AR-238; the boat ramp is 1 mile away on the left.
- Aquatic Vegetation
- Area Specific Regulations
- No limit on channel catfish.
- Largemouth bass must be released immediately to the water.
- Handicap-accessible fishing piers available.
- Area Type
- Bottom Features
Rip-rap shoreline; mud, silt bottom, dead timber
- Constructed
- Depth
Average depth 5 feet; maximum depth 8 feet
- Description
Marion McCollum Greenlee Lake is located in Brinkley and offers good fishing for bream and catfish. Combined with its easy access and multiple fishing piers, this makes it a great lake for anglers of any kind. In the early 2000s water from the nearby Piney Ditch backed up into the lake, introducing a variety of other species including green sunfish and crappie. Largemouth bass have been stocked in the lake annually since 2001 in hopes of producing a naturally reproducing population. There is no limit on channel catfish, so this is a good opportunity for anglers looking to fill their freezers.
- District Information
Fisheries District 4
1201 N Highway 49
Brinkley, AR 72021
- Fish Forage
- Location
Monroe County
2 miles E of Brinkley
- Major Sportfish
Blue catfish, bluegill, channel catfish, crappie, flathead catfish, largemouth bass and redear sunfish
- Management Plan
None completed
- Other Fish
Common carp, green sunfish, hybrid bream, longear sunfish, warmouth
- Ownership
Arkansas Game and Fish Commission
- Points of Interest
- Restaurants, supplies, and medical services are located in nearby Brinkley.
- Louisiana Purchase Historic State Park is approximately 20 miles south and offers visitors a unique opportunity to view the first survey point of the land acquired in the Louisiana Purchase. Visitors can walk the boardwalk and see various wildlife among the historic swamp.
- Sheffield Nelson Dagmar State Wildlife Management Area provides primitive camping, hunting, and fishing opportunities on the multiple lakes, ponds, sloughs, and bayous. There are two water trails on the WMA.
- Size
275 acres
- Visible Cover
Fishing piers, dead timber