Lake Ouachita
- Area Specific Regulations
- Largemouth bass must be at least 13 inches or longer to keep.
- Largemouth, smallmouth and spotted bass combined daily limit is 6 (only 4 of which may be smallmouth bass).
- In addition to the combined daily bass limit, 10 spotted bass may be taken.
- Striped bass daily limit is 3.
- No fishing in the Jim Collins Net Pen area.
- Legal to take game fish with spear guns during season.
- Pregnant women, women who may become pregnant, women who are breast-feeding, and children under the age of 7 should not eat largemouth bass longer than 13 inches or striped bass longer than 25 inches because of mercury contamination. Others should limit their consumption of largemouth bass (13 inches or longer), white bass (13 inches or longer) or striped bass (25 inches or longer) to two meals per month. Other fish may be eaten without restriction. More information about mercury contamination.
- Area Type
Corps of Engineer
- District Information
- Management Plan
- Ownership
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers