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Violation Points

Court-Imposed Penalties Upon Conviction for AGFC Code Violations

When a person is convicted of violating an AGFC regulation, the court is authorized to impose a monetary fine and jail sentence within the following penalty ranges:

Offense Penalty
Class 1 Fine of $100 to $1,000 and a jail sentence of 0 to 30 days.
Class 2 Fine of $250 to $2,500 and a jail sentence of 0 to 60 days.;
Class 3 Fine of $500 to $5,000 and a jail sentence of 0 to 90 days.
Class 4 Fine of $750 to $7,500 and a jail sentence of 0 to 180 days.
Class 5 Fine of $1,000 to $10,000 and a jail sentence of 0 to 1 year.

In lieu of a jail sentence, the court may impose community service upon conviction. Further, the court may suspend or revoke that person’s hunting and fishing rights, privileges, and related licenses. The court also is authorized to order that person to pay restitution to the Commission for the value of any wildlife illegally taken.

Fine money from AGFC violations is distributed back to the counties from which fines were collected.

Commission-Imposed Violation Points and Suspension

When a person is convicted of violating an AGFC regulation, federal wildlife law/regulation, or wildlife laws/regulations in another state that is a member of the Interstate Wildlife Violator Compact, the Commission reserves the sole authority to assign that person’s license record violation points and to administratively suspend or revoke hunting and fishing rights, privileges, and related licenses as a remedial action for the protection of the wildlife resources of the State.

Points will be assigned as follows:

Class of Offense Points
Class 1 06
Class 2 12
Class 3 18
Class 4 30
Class 5 99

If, during any five-year period, a person accumulates 18 or more violation points, the person will be subject to an administrative suspension of hunting and fishing rights, privileges, and related licenses.

Administrative suspension will be imposed as follows:

Points Accumulated in Five Years Hunting and Fishing License Suspension
18-24 1 year suspension
25-48 2 years suspension
49-72 3 years suspension
73-98 5 years suspension
99 (resulting from Class 5 offense) 7 years suspension


Arkansas and at least 46 other states are members of the Interstate Wildlife Violator Compact. The suspension of a person’s hunting and fishing rights, privileges, and related licenses in one member state may also result in their suspension in all of the other member states.

Visit the AGFC Code of Regulations for more information.