Nov. 25, 2022
Jim Harris Managing Editor Arkansas Wildlife Magazine
Reports are updated weekly, although some reports may be published for two weeks if updates are not received promptly or if reporters say conditions haven’t changed. Contact the reporter for current news for the lake or stream you plan to fish.
Quick links to regions:
Central Arkansas
Arkansas River and White River levels are available at: http://water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=lzk
For real-time information on stream flow in Arkansas from the U.S. Geological Survey, visit: http://waterdata.usgs.gov/ar/nwis/rt
For water-quality statistics (including temperature) in many Arkansas streams and lakes, visit: http://waterdata.usgs.gov/ar/nwis/current/?type=quality
Download the Fish Brain app and follow AGFC at: https://join.fishbrain.com/agfc-page
Craig D. Campbell Lake Conway Reservoir
(updated 11-25-2022) Bates Field and Stream (501-470-1846) said the only reports they had heard this week were that crappie, which had picked up last week, were being caught in good numbers around the Highway 89 bridge. Water is low; clarity is the usual Lake Conway stain. Small jigs work best for crappie at this time. Last week, crappie were hitting yo-yos baited with minnows in the evening. Gold Creek had been a hot spot recently as well.
Bream last week had been good. Anglers also were catching some bass.
(updated 11-25-2022) Hatchet Jack’s Sports Shop in Crystal Hill off I-40 (501-758-4958) said crappie are biting well at Pierce Creek, Gold Creek and the Highway 89 bridge. From the reports they have been hearing, more anglers “are doing well versus people who are not doing well” fishing. The go-to bait for crappie on Conway now is an olive-green jig.
Little Red River
The Army Corps of Engineers reports the outflow at Greers Ferry Dam to be 20 cfs (turbine) as of 10 a.m. Friday. Generation has only been 20 cfs since Wednesday afternoon. Greers Ferry Lake is 8.3 feet below normal conservation pool. Check with the Army Corps of Engineers website for real-time release data or by calling (501) 362-5150). Also check the Southwestern Power Administration website (swpa.gov) to see forecast generation schedule.
(updated 11-25-2022) Lowell Myers of Sore Lip’em All Guide Service (501-250-0730) said the Little Red River continues to receive sporadic generation depending on air temperatures and need for hydropower from Greers Ferry Dam. This pattern provides wading opportunities on all sections of the river, but always check generation schedule and be aware of unexpected schedule changes. Midges, egg patterns, small pheasant tails and soft hackles are recommended for fly-fishing. For Trout Magnet fishing, Lowell suggests pink, white and cotton-candy-colored bodies on chartreuse or gold jigheads.
Always check before heading to the Little Red River by calling the Army Corps of Engineers Little Rock District water data system (501-362-5150) for Greers Ferry Dam water release information or check the Corps of Engineers website (swl-wc.usace.army.mil) for real-time water release and the Southwestern Power Administration website (swpa.gov) to see forecasted generation schedule.
(updated 11-10-2022) Mike Winkler of Little River Fly Fishing Trips (501-507-3688) said the Southwester Power Administration has not been running much water or a consistent generation schedule of lately. Always check the USACE Little Rock app for the generation schedule before heading out. Look at the release feature on the app for unexpected releases.
“With colder weather forecast this coming week I’d expect to see more water being released for power demand,” Mike said. “For the past couple of weeks the temperatures were in the mid-50s for the morning lows and in the 70s for the daytime highs along with the SWPA running little to no generation for days. The brown trout spawn has not kicked in 100 percent just yet.
The best bite has been early morning or while fishing the falling water. When they don't run water for a few days, try fishing anywhere there's moving water or you can get a drift. Also try fishing the deeper holes they are holding fish.
Try fishing a double nymph rig with an egg and a midge dropper. Or anything small and buggy underneath an indicator.
Apricot and peach egg patterns along with midges have been producing.
Small streamer patterns have been working well while using an intermediate sink line or sink tip. Try stripping crackleback emergers and Slump Busters flies in the fast riffle water or the deeper pools.
(updated 11-10-2022) Fish ’N Stuff (501-834-5733) in Sherwood said the water level is pretty low; Southwestern Power Administration is not running a lot of water due to less power consumption. The lake is well below pool so the Corps of Engineers doesn’t need to release any water.
Trout anglers are catching them on a 1/16-ounce Rooster Tail above and below the shoals. Also, a Trout Magnet in pink and white is a dependable lure for catches now. A 1/16-ounce maribou jig will also work well.
Greers Ferry Lake
As of Friday morning, the Army Corps of Engineers reports the lake’s elevation at 453.73 feet msl (normal conservation pool: 462.54 feet msl, top flood elevation 487.0 msl).
(updated 11-25-2022) Tommy Cauley of Fishfinder Guide Service (501-940-1318) said Tuesday the current water level at Greers Ferry Lake is 453.56 feet msl, which was 8.48 feet below normal pool and falling with on and off generation. Black bass are chewing well all over the lake and rivers (if you stay away from the area with turnover), biting from top to bottom. There are way too many baits to mention that will work from the shoreline shallow out to 60 feet. Crappie are feeling their oats as well and feeding regularly, with a lot of fish coming in from 2 feet out to 60 all over lake and rivers; jigs and minnows are working well. Bream are a little deeper than usual, at 8-43 feet and eating crawlers and crickets. Catfish are eating hot dogs, live bait and soap all over lake and rivers, but not many are fishing for them. As for walleye, the river spawners are have moving on their mind, as some are roaming under schooling fish while others are ganged up on flats, eating spoons, big crankbaits, minnows and crawlers – fished a variety of ways as well. Hybrid and white bass are eating at will all over lakes and rivers from 25-60 feet. Stay around bait and away from turnover, and use anything from spoons, inline spinners and live bait to swimbaits and hair jigs
(updated 11-17-2022) Fish ’N Stuff (501-834-5733) in Sherwood said the lake is about 8 feet low. Be carefully running boats in creeks with the standing timber.
Fishing has been good, anglers are “catching a bunch of fish.” The Alabama rig, from what they’ve heard and Fish ’N Stuff, is the ticket now for bass. And anglers are catching them single swimbait with an underspin. Bass are schooling anywhere they are finding baitfish. Also, anglers are catching some bass on a crawdad-colored crankbait. As the water turns cooler, the bass at Greers Ferry start favoring crawdad-type baits.
Crappie have been caught in good numbers on a 2-inch swimbait in 20-25 feet of water.
Lake clarity is clear.
Harris Brake Lake
(updated 11-25-2022) Harris Brake Lake Resort (501-889-2745) reports the valve is open, letting the lake drain some into the hunting area/Wildlife Management Area next to the lake. Water had been down anyway from the drought conditions. The clarity has improved though and was "fairly clear" by early last week.
Crappie have been biting off and on, with some good catches when the crappie turn on. Most of the anglers are catching them about 2 feet below the surface, though one other angler had some success just about a foot down. Fish should be moving to the deeper channels as the water drops. Live minnows and jigs are working best. Plastic worms might get a response from deep bass, but there were no reports on bass or any other species but crappie this week.
Lake Overcup
No reports.
Brewer Lake
(update 11-10-2022) David Hall at Dad’s Bait Shop (501-289-2210), a 24/7 self-serve bait shop at the lake, said the fishing and conditions are about the same as the most recent reports. The water temperature has not cooled off much. The area received 2 inches of rainfall Friday but it didn’t do much to the lake level, he said. Overall the lake is down about a foot below normal level.
Most recently, crappie were coming up a little more in 5-6 feet depth and biting on minnows for anglers trolling the channel or around the underwater brushpiles. Bream are good on the banks on redworms. Bass are good in the evenings in shallow water on size 12 bass minnows or white spinnerbaits. Catfish are on the bottom on nightcrawlers and goldfish.
Lake Maumelle
(updated 11-25-2022) WestRock Landing in Roland (501-658-5598) reported that the lake is down 6 feet and dropping an inch a day as part of a 10-foot drawdown ordered by owner Central Arkansas Water to reduce the hydrilla in the water.
“We haven’t had many boats launching in the last few weeks, so the reports are limited,” they say.
Crappie have been fair to good and are being found in 20-25 feet all over structure.
Black bass are good. They’re being caught on Rat-L-Traps, crankbaits and jigs. Some are being caught shallow and others are biting off rocky points in 18-20 feet.
Arkansas River at Morrilton
As of Friday, the Corps of Engineers said water flow at the Ormond Lock and Dam was 3,020 cfs. The stage at Morrilton is at 9.78 feet (flood stage is 30 feet). Flow further upriver at Dardanelle Lock and Dam the flow was 0 cfs.
Little Maumelle River
(updated 11-25-2022) Ray Hudson at River Valley Marina (501-517-1250) says water is as clear as can be and at a normal level. Crappie are doing very well now, “biting real good,” Ray said. Try jigs in blue/white or red/green, or go with minnows. The fish are biting at about 5-5 feet.|
Also, anglers are catching a lot of Kentucky bass these days. Crankbaits are the go-to lure for the spots.Catfish are biting on liver and some cut bait.
(updated 11-25-2022) Hatchet Jack’s Sports Shop at Crystal Hill (501-758-4958) said that crappie fishing is hit and miss. Try pink minnows or live minnows and see which one happens to be on that day.
Arkansas River (Maumelle Pool)
On Friday, the Corps of Engineers said water flow at the Toad Suck Lock and Dam was 1 cfs.
Arkansas River (Little Rock Area Pools)
On Friday, the Corps of Engineers said water flow at the Murray Lock and Dam was 0 cfs, though there have been earlier generations in the past 24 hour of as much as 6,000 cfs.. The elevation is 249.30 feet msl. The stage in the Little Rock pool was at 7.45 feet (flood stage is 25 feet). Flow at the Terry Lock and Dam was 3,985 cfs.
(updated 11-25-2022) Hatchet Jack’s Sports Shop at Crystal Hill (501-758-4958) said that crappie fishing is “fair to middlin’” this week. It’s a toss-up between pink minnows and live minnows for what will work best with the hit-and-miss slabs. The big news is that it is starting to get better, though, and it’s all about a lack of water now, which if forecasts hold up through Sunday, water won’t be as big of an issue. “When there is flow, the odds (of better fishing) increase,” they say.
(updated 11-17-2022) Fish ’N Stuff (501-834-5733) says that for bass fishing, anglers are throwing a white crankbait, like a Bandit 200, around jetties on main river. Also, they are throwing a shaky head and a quarter-ounce chrome/blue or chrome/black Rat-L-Trap. A three-eighths-ounce spinnerbait is working when it’s throw mostly where the baitfish are congregated. On the backwaters, the bass are reacting well to a white Chatterbait.
For crappie, use a white and chartreuse and solid chartreuse crappie jig. Crappie are biting behind the jetties in 10-15 feet or water.
The water clarity is slightly stained though it’s kind of clear in others. The level is ranging from a little low to normal, and the river is not really moving at all with little flow through the Murray Lock and Dam.
(updated 11-10-2022) McSwain Sports Center (501-945-2471) said that in the Arkansas River below Terry Lock and Dam, there is no current – “It’s like the Dead Sea” – and without in current there is just not much fishing on the river. “We do need some water. We need some rain.”
Clear Lake (off Arkansas River-Little Rock Pool)
(updated 11-10-2022) McSwain Sports Center (501-945-2471) said the water is super low. You can fish around the shoreline but boats are finding it hard to put in, the water is just down to low everywhere. Last week, they reported that crappie were biting good for anglers who could get a line into the water. Use minnows or jigs.
Peckerwood Lake
The lake is closed to fishing until February while it serves as a rest area for migrating waterfowl through waterfowl season. Call 870-626-6899 for more information.
White River
(updated 11-25-2022) Cotter Trout Dock (870-435-6525) said Bull Shoals Lake is nearly 4.5 feet below power pool and generation is based mainly on power demands. The colder weather increases those demands.
“Since the arctic snap passed through last week, we're now being blessed with beautiful, mild days, cold nights and amazing creel fills of colorful rainbow trout.” Releases from Bull Shoals Dam have been variable with minimum flows during the late evening and early morning, followed by a quick rise to almost three units (9,000 cfs) later in the morning. The lake at this writing is sitting at 654.25 feet msl and still dropping.
“We are having success with a variety of spoons and heavier-than-normal spinners. Locate any rainbow-colored spoons or Rooster Tails in your tackle box and throw those first. If you prefer bait, the guides are taking out lots of red wiggler worms and backing them up with shrimp and peach, orange or sunrise egg patterns. The X-Factor steelhead orange and shrimp-colored baits (egg clusters and regular-sized egg patterns) as well as their red worms are attracting the rainbows, too.
The browns are not immune to bait now even during the annual spawn, but they're mostly striking in an attempt to get rid of the annoyance. With the Thanksgiving weekend coming up, we'll be seeing more visitors to the area and an increase in river traffic. For those of us on the river often, it's time to be especially careful. We have a big river, wonderfully tended by Arkansas Game and Fish Commission with lots of trout, and enough room for every type and size of angler who visits. We look forward to seeing you and sharing fishing stories.”
(updated 11-25-2022) Dave McCulley, owner of Jenkins Fishing Service in Calico Rock, said the days have had cold mornings and the last couple of days warming up into the 50s. “We have seen varied generation from both Bull Shoals Dam and Norfork Dam resulting in water levels varying between 3-6 feet. During the time of lower water, throwing quarter-ounce spoons have been effective. Additionally, jigs, Rooster Tails, lures with a spinner, and Rapala Countdowns have worked well. Power Eggs with shrimp continue to work well throughout the week. On Monday the Norfork Hatchery stocked approximately 1,100 trout and on Tuesday the Jim Hinkle Spring River State Hatchery stocked 450 trout at the Calico Rock boat ramp. With the reduced fishing pressure this time of year, most of those trout will have the chance to be pretty nice fish by spring. We hope everybody has safe and enjoyable Thanksgiving.”
(updated 11-25-2022) John Berry of Berry Brothers Guide Service said that during the past week, they had sleet and snow (about a quarter of an inch here in Cotter), cold temperatures (to include winter storm warnings) and heavy winds. The lake level at Bull Shoals fell 0.4 foot to rest at 4.9 feet below power pool of 659 feet msl. This is 40.9 feet below the top of flood pool. Upstream, Table Rock Lake fell 0.8 foot to rest at 7.8 feet below power pool and 21.8 feet below the top of flood pool. Beaver Lake fell 0.9 tenths of a foot to rest at 6.1 feet below power pool of 15.7 feet below the top of flood pool. The White had little wadable water and higher flows during periods of peak power demand. Norfork Lake fell 0.7 foot to rest at 1.8 feet below power pool of 553.75 feet msl and 28 feet below the top of flood pool. The Norfork tailwater has had some wadable water.
All of the lakes in the White River system are now well below power pool. With the current lake levels, expect lower flows and more wadable water. However with the cold temperatures, also expect heavy generation during peak power demand.
The catch-and-release section below Bull Shoals Dam is closed through Jan. 31, 2025, to accommodate the brown trout spawn. The State Park will be seasonal catch-and-release for the same period. All brown trout must be immediately released. In addition, night fishing is prohibited in this area during this period.
On the White, the hot spot has been the Narrows. “We have had higher flows that have been fished well. The hot flies were Y2Ks, prince nymphs, zebra midges (black with silver wire and silver bead or red with silver wire and silver bead), pheasant tails, copper Johns, pink and cerise San Juan worms, gold ribbed hare’s ears and sowbugs. Double-fly nymph rigs have been very effective. My favorite has been a cerise San Juan worm with an orange egg dropper.”
John also said, “Recently my wife, Lori, and I went to a dog show in Springfield, Missouri. We were showing our champion Labrador retriever, Ghillie, in an effort to have him earn his grand champion title. When we left town the high temperatures were in the low 80s and the lows were in the 50s. We dressed for the warm temperatures. I wore blue jeans and a tropical fishing shirt. I was quite comfortable.
“I had a guide trip on Saturday, so I drove back to Cotter on Friday afternoon. We had each taken our own cars for the trip. When I got home I began planning for the guide trip. The first thing I did was to check the weather forecast. I was surprised to learn that the next day would have a 30-degree start time and a high of 40 and 10-20 mph winds, which would create some frigid wind chills. To make things more interesting, snow and freezing rain were expected Friday night.
“I scurried around the house to make sure that I had my cold weather gear close at hand. I hooked my boat trailer to my car so that I would not have to do that the next morning with frigid hands. I woke up early to find an inch and a half of snow and ice on my boat and Suburban. Luckily the streets were clear.
“I dressed carefully. Starting with long polypropylene underwear, I added flannel-lined khakis and a fleece sweater. Heavy wool socks and knee-high Muck boots protected my feet. A thick down jacket, heavy fingerless gloves and my extra warm Elmer Fudd hat completed my winter uniform. I put my electric hand warmer in my jacket pocket and went outside to scrape the windshield.
“I met my client at The White Sands Cafe three blocks from my house in Cotter at 7 a.m. We ate a hearty breakfast, drank a lot of hot coffee and headed to the river. The ramp was clear and the water was higher than it has been for several weeks. The Corps of Engineers and Southwestern Power Administration was running water to meet power demand for the cold temperatures. My client is also an avid duck hunter so he had the necessary gear and plenty of outdoor experience to handle the conditions.
“I went to rig his rod and chose flies that had been working recently, a pheasant tail with a ruby midge dropper. I launched my boat and we began fishing. We did two drifts and did not get a sniff. I decided to try different flies. I tied on a cerise San Juan worm with an orange egg fly. This is usually considered a high-water or winter rig. We drifted 10 feet and caught our first trout, 30 feet later we caught another and a few minutes later we caught a third. We stayed with that rig for the remainder of the day and landed 20 trout, with a few nice ones.
“I kept my down jacket on all day. It never warmed up. It was a brisk winter day two weeks before Thanksgiving. What happened to fall?”
(updated 11-10-2022) White River Trout Club (870-453-2424) says fishing is not great now because the water there at White Hole is so low. No reports.
Bull Shoals Lake
As of Friday, the Army Corps of Engineers reported the lake’s elevation at 654.37 feet msl (normal conservation pool: 659.00 feet msl; top flood elevation is 695.00 feet msl). The reported lake elevation at Table Rock Lake was 909.33 feet msl (normal conservation pool: 917.00 feet msl; top flood elevation is 931.0 feet msl).
(updated 11-25-2022) Del Colvin at Bull Shoals Lake Boat Dock said Tuesday that Bull Shoals lake level is 654 feet msl, about 4 feet below normal pool. The water temperature is 58 degrees. Fishing has been good this week. Unseasonably cold weather patterns have given way to a comfortable afternoon bite. There is a notable difference in water clarity throughout the lake. There are plenty of fish on the shoreline. If there are wind and clouds, Del suggests covering water where the wind hits square on the bank, hopefully on a point chunk or ledge rock, close to deeper water. Go with a Spro Crawler, a Wiggle Wart or a Red Craw Stone Cold in the clear water; square bill, spinnerbait or Chatterbait is recommended in the stain. You’ll have keep moving to find them, but when you do there’s usually a few there.
There are still some bushes and rock transitions close to deeper water. There are always fish to be caught on a jig. Target flat, sunny points with brush 25-35 feet. The offshore deep bite is better. Shad are still spread out. Target bigger bait balls and shad becomes the structure. Look in the creeks and hollers at 45-65 feet. A single 2.8 white swimbait or jerkbait around those high swimming shad balls will work. If they are being finicky fish, try a Moon Eye with a Tater Shad. With schooling fish, a Jewel Scope Spin Jigging Rap. Use a Jewel Scuba Spoon for those bottom dwellers.
Each day is different so fish the conditions.
Del regularly posts new YouTube videos. Visit his YouTube site (Bull Shoals Lake Boat Dock) for more information and tips on fishing Bull Shoals Lake.
Norfork Lake
As of Friday, the Army Corps of Engineers reported the lake’s elevation at 551.89 feet msl (normal conservation pool: Sept.-April, 553.75 feet msl; April-Sept. 556.25 feet msl; top flood elevation 580.0 feet msl).
(updated 11-25-2022) Steven “Scuba Steve” Street at Blackburn’s Resort said Tuesday the lake level is 551.90 feet msl and has dropped 0.5 inches in the last 24 hours with six hours of generation starting in the morning and then about two hours in the afternoon. The White River at Newport is 3.7 feet and is very low with not much water being let out anywhere. The lake level is 1.85 feet below the top of the power pool and normal for this time of year. The surface water temperature is just under 60 degrees as of Wednesday, and both the main lake and creeks are stained green and you can see your lure down 2-3 feet on a sunny day.
There are still schooled open water temperate bass on shad in front of the docks to the west of Mallard Point and more at the drop-off at the end of Cow Point and across from Bidwell Point. A spoon works best dropped right on their heads, but live bait and umbrella trollers are also catching a few. The morning bite is the best for them. A few big crappie are biting jigs and grubs on brush in 18 feet of water during the day and then again near the shoreline shallow partway back in the creeks in the evening just before dark. Some black bass are with the open water fish and others are in the same place as the crappie in the evening, mostly Kentucky bass. Fish wind-blown shoreline. Overall fishing remains just fair with some nice size but not high numbers.
For a daily fishing report and lake condition go to www.blackburnsresort.com and click on Scuba Steve's Blog.
(updated 11-25-2022) Lou Gabric at Hummingbird Hideaway Resort had no new report. Lou posts nearly daily on his Facebook page with photos and where the fish are biting and what’s biting. Check it out.
Norfork Tailwater
(updated 11-25-2022) John Berry of Berry Brothers Guide Service in Cotter (870-435-2169) said Norfork Lake fell 0.7 foot to rest at 1.8 feet below power pool of 553.75 feet msl and 28 feet below the top of flood pool. All of the lakes in the White River system are now well below power pool. With the current lake levels, expect lower flows and more wadable water. However with the cold temperatures, also expect heavy generation during peak power demand.
There has been less wadable water on the Norfork in the morning. The most productive flies have been small midge patterns like zebra midges (black or red with silver wire and silver bead). Grasshoppers have produced fish, particularly when used in conjunction with a small nymph dropper (try a size 20 black zebra midge). Double-fly nymph rigs have been very effective. Try a small bead-headed nymph (zebra midge, copper John or pheasant tail) suspended 18 inches below a brightly colored San Juan worm (hot fluorescent pink or cerise). “My favorite rig has been a pheasant tail nymph size 14 and a ruby midge size 18. The fishing is much better in the morning and late afternoon and tapers off midday.”
Dry Run Creek has fished poorly. School is back in session and the creek is not as busy. Weekends can get a quite crowded. The hot flies have been sowbugs, various colored San Juan worms (worm brown, red, hot fluorescent pink and cerise) and white mop flies. Small orange or peach eggs have been very effective. Carry a large net, as most fish are lost at the net.
Buffalo National River/Crooked Creek
(updated 11-25-2022) John Berry of Berry Brothers Guide Service in Cotter (870-435-2169) said Crooked Creek and the Buffalo River are fishing poorly. With colder temperatures, the smallmouths are less active. The most effective fly has been a tan and brown Clouser minnow. Carefully check the water level before entering Crooked Creek or the Buffalo River. There are no dams on these streams. They both have large drainages and are prone to flooding during and following any rain event. The water can rise very quickly.
Beaver Lake
As of Friday, the Army Corps of Engineers reports the lake’s elevation at 1,114.29 feet msl (normal conservation pool: 1,121.43 feet msl; top flood elevation is 1,130.0 feet msl). The release at the dam as of Thursday morning was 141 cfs. The Corps released about 3,800 cfs between 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. on Wednesday.
(updated 11-25-2022) Jon Conklin with FishOn Guide Service (479-253-3474) reported Wednesday that Beaver Lake levels were almost 7 feet below normal and water temps, depending on where you were, dropped into lower 50s and upper 40s. “Biggest news is the bite has turned the corner and has become much more positive. Water cooled in major ways and has stabilized. The striper bite is coming on as expected with many 20-plus-pounders being caught by anglers venturing out into the cold the last couple of days. Look from the Island at Prairie Creek and south into the river arms. Trolling brood minnows and shad are producing at a good clip.
“I have had many clients last week catch their first stripers.”
Jon added, “Crappie have turned the switch on, also! Look for brush and structure in 17 feet and shallower. Jigs are working, as are minnows. Move from pile to pile, as some schools will participate and some will not.
“But overall, the bite is good. Lately, anything black/chartreuse is working. Some nice-sized slabs are being caught. Again, look from mid-lake and south into river arms. The bite will continue to get better as water stabilizes into the lower 50s. Bass are also being caught on cranks fished off points. Fishing is getting good, so get out and enjoy the beauty Beaver Lake offers. Stay safe and have a fantastic Thanksgiving!”
Visit Jon’s Facebook page for latest updates, FishOn Guide Service Goshen AR.
(updated 11-17-2022) Southtown Sporting Goods (479-443-7148) said it’s quiet. The lake is normal level but our pressure very light. They are catching stripers on the upper end of the lake. Temp is a great point for the stripers to be active, it’s getting to be in the high 50s. Anglers are using brooder minnows and a hodge-podge of trolling baits (cranks, and keep a topwater handy). Stripers are termed fair though at times it can be “pretty good.” They’re feeding on threadfin shad. Stripers are moving upstream, around Point 12. “They’re doing their normal winter thing,” Southtown reports. “People are catching fish, there is just not a lot of people out.”
Crappie fishing is “all right, just the pressure is light. But a few are catching fish.” Crappie are around brush and they’re pulling into cover anywhere to 7-8 feet down to 20 feet – wherever they find the cover, and along channel edges.
Very little reports on black bass have come in. With the temperature moving into the 50s, black bass are moving into deeper areas. Some anglers are throwing crankbaits and spinnerbaits for them. Catfish also have gotten quiet.
“Anglers are tooling up for ducks and chasing deer,” they report.
The lake level is just a little below normal pool for mid-November and is clear. “The lake looks beautiful,” they report.
Beaver Tailwater
(updated 11-25-2022) Guide Austin Kennedy (479-244-0039) said there still are low water conditions in the tailwater; however, you can get up river a little further when the Corps of Engineers turns on the generators. When doing this, be mindful that when they go to shut the water off, you may get stranded. If you are able to get a boat in the water, keep to the deeper pockets if you are unsure.
“Most of our fish have been caught using Pautzke Fire Eggs and Fire Worms with the fall bite. Using light terminal tackle, fish the eggs on bottom and, if able, drift the worms. Most of our fish have been caught near Houseman Access this week.
“If you’re still searching for the walleye, Beaver town is the place to be, even up to Holiday Island. Using many methods, the best has been jigging soft plastics and live minnows. Look for these fish in 10-15 feet of water.
“Like always, for additional information, please follow my Facebook page (Busch Mountain Fishing Guide Service) for day-to-day updates. Stay warm, and catch some fish!”
Lake Fayetteville
(updated 11-17-2022) Lake Fayetteville Boat Dock (479-444-3476) said it has been a slow week overall for fishing, though a lot of anglers have been fishing for crappie and catching them on hair jigs and plastic jigs. Nobody is using minnows. And that's about it for all species this week. "It seems to be quiet," they said. The water temperature went down, so the crappie bite picked up. Water temperature at the small lake changes fast; they did not had the most recent temp, but it snowed in the area between Thursday-Friday. The lake level is normal.
Beaver Lake
As of Thursday, the Army Corps of Engineers reports the lake’s elevation at 1,114.29 feet msl (normal conservation pool: 1,121.43 feet msl; top flood elevation is 1,130.0 feet msl). The release at the dam as of Thursday morning was 141 cfs. The Corps released about 3,800 cfs between 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. on Wednesday.
(updated 11-25-2022) Jon Conklin with FishOn Guide Service (479-253-3474) reported Wednesday that Beaver Lake levels were almost 7 feet below normal and water temps, depending on where you were, dropped into lower 50s and upper 40s. “Biggest news is the bite has turned the corner and has become much more positive. Water cooled in major ways and has stabilized. The striper bite is coming on as expected with many 20-plus-pounders being caught by anglers venturing out into the cold the last couple of days. Look from the Island at Prairie Creek and south into the river arms. Trolling brood minnows and shad are producing at a good clip.
“I have had many clients last week catch their first stripers.”
Jon added, “Crappie have turned the switch on, also! Look for brush and structure in 17 feet and shallower. Jigs are working, as are minnows. Move from pile to pile, as some schools will participate and some will not.
“But overall, the bite is good. Lately, anything black/chartreuse is working. Some nice-sized slabs are being caught. Again, look from mid-lake and south into river arms. The bite will continue to get better as water stabilizes into the lower 50s. Bass are also being caught on cranks fished off points. Fishing is getting good, so get out and enjoy the beauty Beaver Lake offers. Stay safe and have a fantastic Thanksgiving!” |Visit Jon’s Facebook page for latest updates, FishOn Guide Service Goshen AR.
(updated 11-17-2022) Southtown Sporting Goods (479-443-7148) said it’s quiet. The lake is normal level but our pressure very light. They are catching stripers on the upper end of the lake. Temp is a great point for the stripers to be active, it’s getting to be in the high 50s. Anglers are using brooder minnows and a hodge-podge of trolling baits (cranks, and keep a topwater handy). Stripers are termed fair though at times it can be “pretty good.” They’re feeding on threadfin shad. Stripers are moving upstream, around Point 12. “They’re doing their normal winter thing,” Southtown reports. “People are catching fish, there is just not a lot of people out.”
Crappie fishing is “all right, just the pressure is light. But a few are catching fish.” Crappie are around brush and they’re pulling into cover anywhere to 7-8 feet down to 20 feet – wherever they find the cover, and along channel edges.
Very little reports on black bass have come in. With the temperature moving into the 50s, black bass are moving into deeper areas. Some anglers are throwing crankbaits and spinnerbaits for them. Catfish also have gotten quiet.
“Anglers are tooling up for ducks and chasing deer,” they report.|
The lake level is just a little below normal pool for mid-November and is clear. “The lake looks beautiful,” they report.
Beaver Tailwater
(updated 11-25-2022) Guide Austin Kennedy (479-244-0039) said there still are low water conditions in the tailwater; however, you can get up river a little further when the Corps of Engineers turns on the generators. When doing this, be mindful that when they go to shut the water off, you may get stranded. If you are able to get a boat in the water, keep to the deeper pockets if you are unsure.
“Most of our fish have been caught using Pautzke Fire Eggs and Fire Worms with the fall bite. Using light terminal tackle, fish the eggs on bottom and, if able, drift the worms. Most of our fish have been caught near Houseman Access this week.
“If you’re still searching for the walleye, Beaver town is the place to be, even up to Holiday Island. Using many methods, the best has been jigging soft plastics and live minnows. Look for these fish in 10-15 feet of water.
“Like always, for additional information, please follow my Facebook page (Busch Mountain Fishing Guide Service) for day-to-day updates. Stay warm, and catch some fish!”
Lake Fayetteville
(updated 11-17-2022) Lake Fayetteville Boat Dock (479-444-3476) said it has been a slow week overall for fishing, though a lot of anglers have been fishing for crappie and catching them on hair jigs and plastic jigs. Nobody is using minnows. And that's about it for all species this week. "It seems to be quiet," they said. The water temperature went down, so the crappie bite picked up. Water temperature at the small lake changes fast; they did not had the most recent temp, but it snowed in the area between Thursday-Friday. The lake level is normal.
Arkansas River (Pine Bluff Pool)
On Friday, the Corps of Engineers said water flow at the Emmett Sanders Lock and Dam at Pine Bluff was 54 cfs. The stage at Pine Bluff is steady at 31.43 feet (flood stage is 42 feet). Further upstream, the flow at the Maynard Lock and Dam was 3,960 cfs.
(updated 11-25-2022) The University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff Bass Fishing Team had no new report from the river.
Lake Monticello
(updated 11-25-2022) After a two-year project of rebuilding the lake habitat by the AGFC while the city of Monticello had the dam rebuilt, the water in Lake Monticello now covers about 470 acres. The acreage of water in Lake Monticello’s lakebed has only increased about 20 acres since May as a result of minimal rainfall. The water in Lake Monticello covers about 1,520 acres when it is at full pool. When the lake was first flooded, it took about five years for Lake Monticello to reach full pool, with two drought years during this period.
Fisheries District 5 staff in Monticello worked with AGFC and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service hatchery staff to stock about 180,000 fathead minnows, 111,902 golden shiners, 78,840 bluegill and 82,056 redear sunfish into Lake Monticello during the month of October. The fish were placed in a hog trough on a trailer pulled by a UTV. The fish were then transported about 220 yards from the boat ramp to the water’s edge, where they were stocked. It took quite a few trips to stock all of the fish that were on the hatchery truck.
The AGFC plans on stocking threadfin shad this fall. Florida largemouth bass will be stocked during the summer of 2025. The aforementioned forage and bream species will be stocked again in the fall of 2025, along with black crappie.
Millwood Lake
As of Friday, the Army Corps of Engineers reports the lake’s elevation was 259.85 feet msl (normal pool: 259.20 feet msl; top flood elevation is 287.0 feet msl). Total outflow at the dam is 1,018 cfs, average for what has been released since Wednesday.
(updated 11-25-2022) Mike Siefert at Millwood Lake Guide Service said that as of Monday, Millwood Lake is 259.6 feet msl, about 5 inches above NCP and falling. Clarity improved this week along Little River, and oxbows. Millwood Lake tailwater elevation near 226 feet msl with gate discharge at the dam near 1,531 CFS in Little River according to the Army Corps of Engineers. Check the most recent lake level of Millwood Lake on the guide service’s website linked above, or at the Army Corps of Engineers website, for updated gate release changes and inflow rates with rising and falling lake levels. Watch for random floaters and broken timber during any navigation on Little River and Millwood Lake with discharge rates and fluctuations in Little River, and anytime high gate discharge conditions exist.
Surface temps dropped this week, ranging 50-55 degrees depending on location and the time of day. Clarity along Little River improved further up Little River with river clarity ranging 5-10 inches visibility depending on location. Clarity of oxbows was normal stain, visibility about 15-25 inches depending on location. Further up Little River near White Cliffs and Wilton Landing has heavier stain conditions. Clarity and visibility can change dramatically on Millwood in just a few hours with high winds, gate discharge, rain or thunderstorms.
Mike provided these fishing specifics from earlier this week on the lake:
* Largemouth and spotted (Kentucky) bass have been very good to excellent action, as they actively chase threadfin shad over the past several weeks with aggressive feeding in Little River and the oxbows. Hot spots include creek mouths dumping/draining into Little River with lily pads and grass along primary points being key locations. Flats next to deep creeks and secondary points with lily pad stands are a good target area as well. Chunky 2- 3- and 4-pound bass have been the most aggressive at midday into late afternoon over the past couple weeks. Good bass activity continues throughout midday hitting square-bill cranks, shad imitation custom painted Bent Pole Little John Cranks, Bandit Splatterback cranks, Millwood Magic Rat-L-Traps and SpinTraps finessing through the pads.
The numerous schools of juvenile, adolescent and adult-size classes of largemouth bass are still ganged up in many locations and blowing threadfin shad up and out of the water at surface feeding. Better aggressiveness returned again over the past couple of weeks with cooler mornings, dropping water surface temps another 5-10 degrees, and milder daytime temps during the heat of the day in back of Mud Lake, Horseshoe and McGuire oxbows on flats near vertical structure and standing timber.
Shad have begun moving deeper into creek channels over the past week in search of continued warmer surface water temperatures, and the largemouth and Kentucky bass are following these large groups and shad schools. Creek mouth junctions and dumps into Little River over the past couple weeks have given up several schools of largemouth, Kentucky and also white bass.
Good action was also noted in the flats at White Cliffs near the deeper section of the creeks with multiple schools blowing shad out of the water at the same time in numerous locations. These breaking fish were eager to bust a Rat-L-Trap or shad-colored square-bill Little John and Bill Lewis SB-57 crankbait. Hammered Cordell or Kastmaster Spoons also were connecting with these breaking and schooling fish.
* “White bass returned to biting this week, and we found a few groups of 2- to 3-pound whites/hybrids breaking on shad along Little River near Hurricane Creek and the White Cliffs USACE campground over this last week. Many continue roaming Little River and the oxbows of Clear Lake and McGuire Lake oxbows, and have been caught on Millwood Magic SpinTraps (Tailspinners) and Magnum three-quarter-ounce Mag Traps, vertical-jigging spoons, and custom painted Little John Crankbaits, Bomber Fat Free Guppys, and Bandit 200 Crankbaits along Little River. Tail Spinner Trap Rat-L-Traps in Millwood Magic, chrome/black back and chrome/blue back caught some 2- and 3-pound whites in McGuire over the past few weeks.
Fat Free Shad Crankbaits in Citrus Shad color, Little Georges, Beetle Spins, Rooster Tails and Rocket Shads, and Cordell or Kastmaster Spoons also were working for white bass this week from about 8-12 feet deep near ledges and vertical structure, and were catching whites randomly in the oxbows. Schooling whites have been noted in the back of McGuire in the standing timber at creek mouths, and on flats adjacent to deeper vertical structure drops in the depths from 5-10 feet deep at random intervals over the past several weeks. Most of the white bass schools are still random and broken, although a few white bass have been found schooling on large groups of threadfin shad up Little River near White Cliffs campground. Casting the Cordell or Kastmaster Spoons into the schooling whites and largemouths were connecting with rapid-fire action and even some double hook-ups.
* The crappie bite continues to be very good along Little River, Bee Lake, Pugh Slough and in the oxbows over the past several weeks! Little River has been holding good groups of nice size 2- to 2.25-pound black and white crappie willing to bite minnows over the past week, 12-17 feet deep in Bee Lake in planted brush and along Little River.
* Bream continued biting well this week about 10-12 feet deep along Little River in brushpiles on worms with several bream fishermen we visited with along Little River near mouth of Horseshoe and at the second entrance to Hurricane Creek.
* No reports on catfish again this week.
Lake Columbia
(update 11-10-2022) Curtis Willingham at River Rat Bait in Camden (870-251-3831) reports that anglers passing through on the way to nearby Lake Columbia say crappie are doing well here. Use minnows or jigs.
Lake Erling
NOTICE: The American Gamebird Research Education and Development Foundation, under recommendation from the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission, is conducting a 5-foot drawdown of Lake Erling in Lafayette County to combat the spread of giant salvinia, a highly invasive aquatic plant species not native to the United States. Giant salvinia, a free-floating South American plant that has become a major threat to fisheries in the southern U.S., was first spotted on a small portion of Lake Erling in 2018. Since that time the AGFC and AGRED, the lake’s owner, have worked together to monitor and minimize potential spread of the invasive species through information campaigns. With the recent detection of the plant at nearby Mercer Bayou and the spread of the plant within Erling, AGRED worked with the AGFC to determine a plan that would help combat the aquatic nuisance species. The drawdown will remain in effect until March 1, 2025, at which time the 7,000-acre lake will be allowed to refill.
(updated 11-10-2022) Lake Erling Guide Service (870-904-8546) reported Thursday that anglers are catching limits of crappie, mainly on hand-tied jigs. Some are being caught on minnows. They are around 10-12 feet on timber.
“We have quite a few boats that put in this morning at the park. So you can tell the crappie are heating up by the amount of boats putting in,” they report.
Some anglers have been catching bass, but they aren’t revealing their baits now.
As for catfish, anglers are catching limits on pretty much any kind of bait.
Lake Erling clarity is clear. The mandated drawdown to tackle to giant salvinia problem has the lake down 4-4.5 feet, they report. As for clarity, “I can see my bait down 18 inches, so that’s pretty good,” they tell us. Water temperature Thursday morning was 65 degrees.
Lake Greeson Tailwater
Visit www.littlemissouriflyfishing.com for a daily update on fishing conditions.
Lake Greeson
As of Thursday, the Army Corps of Engineers reports the lake’s elevation at Narrows Dam was 537.49 feet msl (full pool: 548.00 feet msl).
No reports.
DeGray Lake
As of Thursday, the Army Corps of Engineers reports the lake’s elevation was 397.95 feet msl (full pool: 408.00 feet msl).
(updated 11-17-2022) Capt. Darryl Morris of Family Fishing Trips (501-844-5418) said he’s finding the same kind of conditions and fishing in the Hot Springs area lakes all the way to DeGray Lake. DeGray’s water temperature is tumbling to winter-time numbers. All species of fish are heading for the deep channels. Use a vertical presentation of jigs and spoons near 35-45 feet deep structure for crappie. Tipping your jig or spoon with a minnow or worm can reap the less aggressive crappie. Present your bait slow and methodical for the expected light bite. Line watching is a must. Stay safe. Cold water is even more dangerous … Fish ON.
De Queen Lake
As of Thursday, the Army Corps of Engineers reports the lake’s elevation was 430.26 feet msl (full pool: 437.00 feet msl).
Dierks Lake
As of Thursday, the Army Corps of Engineers reports the lake’s elevation was 521.82 feet msl (full pool: 526.00 feet msl).
White Oak Lake Area
(update 11-10-2022) Curtis Willingham at River Rat Bait in Camden (870-231-3831) said crappie have been doing pretty good on White Oak Lake. “We’ll see how the cold front will help us. Water levels are still low.” Crappie are running deeper in the daytime. Curtis says he believes they’re around 8-12 feet deep usually in the daytime but coming shallow. Use minnows and jigs. Bream are still biting well, he added. Lots of people are catching them on crickets. The main bass anglers at White Oak have switched over to crappie for this time of year.
Lake Atkins
(updated 11-17-2022) Donald Ramirez at Lucky Landing (479-641-7615) said anglers are catching some black bass (ranging 5-6 pounds) on Rat-L-Traps and spinnerbaits on the low end of the lake. They are also catching a lot of small crappie. Some crappie are 11-12 inches with an occasional 15-incher in the bucket. All are being hooked near the bottom of the lake. Jigs and minnows are working. Donald says he sells a lot of Bobby Garland Jigs there, especially Monkey Milk and Ice Outs. “Anything with chartreuse, the crappie are hitting on it. It’s crappie season now, and next week, with the deer hunters back out on the lake, it should be just about right.”
He’s heard no reports on bream or catfish on the lake. However, anglers are catching catfish on the Arkansas River, which is about 10 miles from Atkins. He’s had catfishers coming in buying worms and stink bait lately.
The lake is clear and is still low, about 4 feet below regular pool.
Lake Catherine Tailwater (Below Carpenter Dam)
For weekly flow releases from Carpenter Dam, visit www.entergy.com/hydro
(updated 11-25-2022) Shane Goodner, owner of Catch’em All Guide Service, reports that water temperature below the dam has dropped to 48 degrees with clear conditions in the tailrace. Mid-November marks the return of the fall trout stocking program which has created a solid fishing environment for the public on Lake Catherine. The first stocking of 1,400 rainbow trout is now in the lake. Trout are widely scattered from the bridge to the dam and being caught in the shoals by fly-fishermen casting micro-jigs in black and white under a strike indicator. Trout key in on the shad kill this time of year as freezing temperatures stun threadfin shad in Lake Hamilton and these baitfish are drawn through the turbines and scattered throughout the tailrace area. Flies that imitate injured shad will draw immediate strikes from hungry rainbows. Spin-fishermen using PowerBaits and lures that represent fleeing crayfish will also catch trout that are searching for prey.
The next stocking will take place sometime in early December with numbers upward of 2,800 fish. Normally it takes several days for the trout to become familiar with the new surroundings and settle into a regular feeding pattern. The influx of healthy rainbow trout to the lake rejuvenates the tailrace to an earlier scenario of quality fishing.
The annual lake drawdown for both lakes Hamilton and Catherine is now complete with each lake drawn down 5 feet. Refilling will begin somewhere between March 1-8 with the process completed by March 15. A 5-foot drawdown on Lake Catherine creates dangerous conditions for wade fisherman and boaters alike, so caution is advised when navigating the tailrace area. Entergy will schedule daily generation from Carpenter Dam during this period, so the public is advised to read the Entergy Hydro website news for updates on lake conditions.
Remember to always wear a life jacket when on the water and follow all lake and park regulations when visiting the Carpenter Dam use area.
Lake Dardanelle
As of Friday, the Army Corps of Engineers reports the lake’s flow at Dardanelle Lock and Dam as 0 cfs. Elevation was 337.22 feet msl and the tailwater was at 284.97 feet msl. (Top navigation pool is 338.2 and bottom pool is 336.0.) The stage is at 4.41 feet (flood stage is 32 feet).
No reports.
Lake Hamilton
(updated 11-17-2022) Capt. Darryl Morris of Family Fishing Trips (501-844-5418) said he’s finding the same kind of conditions and fishing in the Hot Springs area lakes all the way to DeGray Lake. At Hamilton, which having a 5-foot drawdown for the winter, the water temperature is also falling to winter-time numbers. All species of fish are heading for the deep channels. Use a vertical presentation of jigs and spoons near 35-45 feet deep structure. Tipping your jig or spoon with a minnow or worm can reap the less aggressive. Present your bait slow and methodical for the expected light bite. Line watching is a must. Stay safe. Cold water is even more dangerous … Fish ON.
Lake Nimrod
As of Friday, the Army Corps of Engineers reports the lake’s elevation was at 342.52 feet msl (normal pool: 342.00 feet msl; top flood elevation is 373.0 feet msl).
(updated 11-10-2022) Andrews Bait Shop and More (479-272-4025) said Thursday that crappie just a little bit slow right now. They are 8 feet deep and relating to the big structure and stumps. The brushpiles and not really holding many. |
Black bass are hitting well on swimbaits, spinnerbaits and worms. “The anglers don’t tell me what colors they’re using,” they report, though they are selling a lot of War Eagle white spinnerbaits.
Anglers are catching quite a few catfish. They are using cut live shad and are doing well catching blues. The flatheads have slacked off a little bit.|
Bream are biting on some minnows but are slow like the crappie.
The water is 342 feet msl, at normal conservation pool, and clear at around 68 degrees, though maybe a little cooler Thursday morning.
Lake Ouachita
As of Thursday, the Army Corps of Engineers reports the lake’s elevation at Blakely Dam was up about 2 feet from last week to 569.0 feet msl (full pool: 578.00 feet msl).
(updated 11-25-2022) Todd Gadberry at Mountain Harbor Resort and Spa (870-867-2191/800-832-2276 out-of-state) said black bass are still good. Try a jig fished from 15-25 feet. Stripers are very good. Try dragging or casting an Alabama rig for these fish outside of creek basins up the river channels. Crappie are good on small jigs or minnows. Try brush 20-30 feet deep. No reports on bream, catfish or walleye.
Lake temperature is steady in the 56-60 degree range. Water clarity is stained in the western portion but clearing in the east. Lake level Wednesday was 568.74 feet msl. Call the Mountain Harbor fishing guides (Mike Wurm, 501-622-7717, or Chris Darby, 870-867-7822) for more information.
(updated 11-17-2022) Capt. Darryl Morris of Family Fishing Trips (501-844-5418) said the water temp is definitely dropping to winter-time numbers. All species of fish are heading for the deep channels. Use a vertical presentation of jigs and spoons near 35-45 feet deep structure. Tipping your jig or spoon with a minnow or worm can reap the less aggressive fish. Present your bait slow and methodical for the expected light bite. Line watching is a must. Stay safe. Cold water is even more dangerous … Fish ON.
Blue Mountain Lake
As of Friday, the Army Corps of Engineers reports the lake’s elevation was 384.38 feet msl (full pool: 387.00 feet msl; top flood elevation is 419.0 feet msl).
No reports.
White River/Clarendon Area
The Army Corps of Engineers on Thursday reported the Clarendon gauge is steady at 12.86 feet, more than 13 feet below the flood stage of 26.00 feet.
Cook’s Lake
The lake is closed to fishing until spring as it serves as a rest area for migrating waterfowl. Call the center at 870-241-3373 for more information.
For more information, please call the center at 870-241-3373.
Note: msl is mean sea level; cfs is cubic feet per second.