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Pelicans provide winter wildlife-viewing excitement ​​​​​​​

Dec. 14, 2022

Images by Chris Newberry

LITTLE ROCK — Although pelicans can be spotted any time of year in The Natural State, winter is prime time to visit reservoirs and dams along the Arkansas River and see flocks of these huge birds gathering and feeding on shad and other fish that are stunned after being pulled through the gates.

Alligator gar permit applications open until Dec. 31

Dec. 14, 2022

LITTLE ROCK – Anglers interested in hooking into Arkansas’s largest sport fish can apply for a 2023 Alligator Gar Trophy tag until Dec. 31.

Inaugural south Arkansas bear season opens tomorrow

Dec. 9, 2022

LITTLE ROCK — Beginning tomorrow and for the first time in modern history, Arkansas hunters will be able to legally harvest a black bear in the Gulf Coastal Plain and portions of the Delta in south Arkansas. While the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission is excited about this milestone in conservation and opportunity for hunters, there are a few key points to remember to get the most out of the hunt and ensure it remains a fixture in Arkansas’s outdoors.

AGFC, partners offer new experience for birding community

Dec. 7, 2022

LITTLE ROCK — Birders and other wildlife-watching enthusiasts have a great new way to participate in outdoor recreation, thanks to the creation of a special Natural State-specific online gateway to Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology’s eBird birdwatching system.

Buyer’s guide for first-time hunting firearms

Nov. 30, 2022

LITTLE ROCK — Black Friday sale flyers have been circulating for weeks, and many sporting goods stores are dropping prices like a rock on rifles and shotguns people will be purchasing for youth hunters and adults who recently discovered how much fun hunting can be. But trying to muddle through all the calibers, gauges, actions and accessories can be a true endurance test to people who are not in the know about the latest and greatest firearms choices.

123rd annual Christmas Bird Count begins Dec. 14

Nov. 30, 2022

LITTLE ROCK — Waterfowl hunters aren’t the only people watching the skies during the holiday season. Birdwatching enthusiasts will be catching the winter migration of songbirds, shorebirds and all sorts of avian species during this year’s annual Christmas Bird Count, Dec. 14-Jan. 5, coordinated by the National Audubon Society. 

Hunters urged to clean, drain and dry during duck season

Nov. 30, 2022

LITTLE ROCK – When the second segment of waterfowl season opens Dec. 10, hunters are hoping to have more water to spread out in search of mallards and memories. Before moving their boats to new areas, the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission strongly urges all hunters to closely inspect their boats, trailers and hunting equipment for vegetation and other invasive stowaways that could spread to new areas and destroy wildlife habitat.