AGFC follows through for recreational shooters with new division and partnerships
July 21, 2023
LITTLE ROCK — Arkansas Game and Fish Commission Director Austin Booth announced the formation of a new branch within the AGFC’s ranks to focus on recreational shooting and the development of shooting ranges and programs throughout The Natural State at today’s regularly scheduled Commission meeting.
Nonresident hunters should check twice for new permits when renewing licenses
July 19, 2023
LITTLE ROCK — Every July, many Arkansas hunters make it a point to renew their hunting licenses to ensure they’re legal and ready for the next year of enjoying all The Natural State has to offer. This year, nonresidents also may have to purchase a few additional permits if they plan to engage in a few of the state’s calling card hunts.
Summer course keeps archers at full draw
July 19, 2023
MAYFLOWER — The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission and Arkansas Bowhunters Association will hold a special “Introduction to Bowhunting and 3-D Archery Tournaments” workshop from 8:30-11:30 a.m., Aug. 5, at the AGFC’s Fiocchi Shooting Sports Complex in Mayflower (formerly known as the Camp Robinson Shooting Range).
AGFC planning angling increases for central Arkansas fishing holes
July 19, 2023
CONWAY — Arkansas Game and Fish Commission hatchery managers and other key members of the AGFC’s Fisheries team have been planning nonstop on ways to help anglers find some fish during the upcoming renovation of Lake Conway scheduled to begin Sept. 1. In addition to all the work that will be done on Lake Conway, fisheries staff will be adding even more catchable-sized catfish to many nearby fishing locations to keep people busy during the project.
AGFC adds veggies to Greers Ferry Lake recipe
July 19, 2023
HEBER SPRINGS — The recipe for healthy aquatic habitat on many Arkansas lakes isn’t quite complete without a fair share of vegetables, but that ingredient has been lacking at Greers Ferry Lake and many other Army Corps of Engineers reservoirs for many years. An intensified effort by Arkansas Game and Fish Commission fisheries biologists may prove to be the secret sauce for an improved fishing experience if a new cooking technique pans out.
Firing line hot at Scatter Creek range
July 12, 2023
PARAGOULD — Recreational shooters and hunters can now find an upgraded experience at William E. Brewer Scatter Creek Wildlife Management Area after the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission recently completed a $175,000 renovation to the Jack Cox Firing Range on the site. The range was closed for the renovation in March and reopened just in time for last week’s Independence Day holiday.
Help trout keep their cool this summer
July 5, 2023
Arkansas’s famous trout tailwaters provide year-round action for anglers and are some of the best opportunities for trout fishing in the entire Southeast. As summer sun continues to bake the land, it also has raised water temperatures enough in some locations to cause concern with avid trout anglers.