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Boat registration requires physical proof

July 18, 2018

LITTLE ROCK – New state laws to match federal guidelines add an extra step to boat registration, but they may help prevent fraud or theft.

Little Red River Fish Camp recruits leaders, conservationists

July 18, 2018

HEBER SPRINGS - Members of the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission joined local trout guides, educators and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service last week to teach 35 4th- through 6th-grade students about fishing and conservation of our aquatic resources at the 3rd annual Little Red River Fish Camp at JFK Park in Heber Springs.

Operation Dry Water, July 4 holiday lead to more than 200 citations

July 11, 2018

HOT SPRINGS – More than 200 citations and 400 warnings were issued to boaters on Arkansas waters last week as part of two operations by the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission’s Law Enforcement Division, according to Col. Greg Rae, chief of the division.

Help AGFC bring back Arkansas’s biggest sportfish

July 11, 2018

HOPE - The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission is asking anglers and bowfishing enthusiasts to help bring back one of Arkansas’s oldest trophy angling opportunities - the alligator gar. 

Arkansas alligator hunt permits drawn

July 10, 2018

LITTLE ROCK – The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission conducted the annual alligator hunt permit draw last Friday, July 6, and 108 lucky hunters will be shining the water this September in search of one of Arkansas’s largest big game species. 

Gov. Hutchinson welcomes 15 wildlife officers to AGFC

July 6, 2018

CONWAY – Fifteen new faces will be joining the ranks of Arkansas Game and Fish Commission wildlife officers this summer. The latest class of wildlife officer cadets celebrated graduation from the AGFC’s training program today at Antioch Baptist Church.

Big bore air rifles legal for modern gun deer season in Arkansas

July 3, 2018

LITTLE ROCK - Deer hunters will be able to pursue their game with one more option this season, thanks to a recent regulation change by the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission.