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“Outdoor Hotline” highlights new hunting license system, CWD and changes to water control on WMAs

Oct. 18, 2017

Arkansas Educational Television Network and the Arkansas Game and Fish will host a special “Outdoor Hotline,” to help inform viewers throughout The Natural State about some of the most recent changes to Arkansas’s outdoors.

Target infrastructure operation dates for popular duck-hunting areas set for 2017-18 season

Aug. 9, 2017

Biologists with the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission have developed later target dates for managing water control infrastructure on greentree reservoirs the AGFC manages. Operation of water control structures will not begin on most areas until Nov. 15, 2017, in an attempt to mimic natural historic flooding timing more closely than previous management.

Adjustments to nonresident waterfowl permits proposed

April 26, 2017

There may be some limits to the amount of time nonresident hunters may pursue waterfowl on Arkansas Game and Fish Commission controlled wildlife management areas in the next year. After many phone calls, letters and posts to social media from Arkansas hunters, the AGFC is proposing one possible way to give resident hunters additional preference on public land in The Natural State.