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Waterfowl support press conference at state capitol

April 12, 2021

Press conference for House Concurrent Resolution 1014. The resolution emphasizes the value of waterfowl, rice agriculture, waterfowl hunting and waterfowl habitat to the state’s economy. The press conference will be on the Arkansas State Capitol front steps, 500 Woodlane in Little Rock. Gov. Asa Hutchinson will be attending the press conference.

Tips to liven up this year’s youth turkey hunt

March 31, 2021

LITTLE ROCK — With the 2021 youth hunt less than two weeks away, many mentors are already pacing the floor trying to figure out how they are going to get their little hunter on a bird on opening day. Here are a few tips from three of the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission’s bird-obsessed biologists and staff to flatten the learning curve and make lifelong memories.

Majors, Mitchell honored with NWTF annual awards

March 24, 2021

LITTLE ROCK — Two Arkansas Game and Fish Commission employees were given awards from the Arkansas chapter of the National Wild Turkey Federation at the AGFC’s March 18 meeting, held in Little Rock. Sgt. Chris Majors from Calico Rock and Jason Mitchell from Mena were both presented annual awards for their work toward wild turkey conservation in The Natural State. 

Help the AGFC track turkey hunting success

March 22, 2021

LITTLE ROCK — Hunters can help the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission track hunting effort and success throughout turkey season this spring by signing up to be a part of the annual Spring Gobbler Hunting Survey. It’s free to participate and your responses will help shape future wild turkey management in Arkansas.

Turkey guidebook highlights new zones, substantial harvest changes

March 17, 2021

LITTLE ROCK — With one month until the opening day of Arkansas’s turkey season, the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission is finishing up printing of the 2021 Arkansas Turkey Hunting Guidebook, which contains all regulations for this year’s hunt. The guidebooks will be distributed in the next week, but for those wanting a copy now, a digital download is available at 

Scout now for spring turkey success

March 10, 2021

LITTLE ROCK — With the youth turkey hunt one month away and regular turkey season beginning nine days later, many hunters are dusting off their shotguns and brushing up on their calling. Seasoned veterans of the turkey woods also have their eyes glued to aerial images right now, looking for the most likely location for their next encounter with a longbeard.

Arkansas goose hunters look forward to continued spring ‘snowstorms’

Feb. 23, 2021

Waterfowl hunters still can enjoy plentiful shooting and help conservation efforts by hunting snow geese during a special waterfowl season that runs well into spring.