Duck Band Reporting System Moves Online
July 26, 2017
Hunters fortunate enough to harvest a banded duck, goose or dove next hunting season will see a change in the way they report those bands to the United States Geological Survey. The call-in center that has been in place to record information has been replaced by an online tool at
Remember the 3 R’s When Boating on a River
July 26, 2017
The heat of summer often leads anglers to large rivers. The promise of large catfish and an extended period of fish activity is thanks to current keeping surface water moving and slightly cooler than in backwaters and reservoirs. But traveling on large rivers like the Arkansas can be a daunting task for people who don’t understand the meaning of all those buoys and channel markers. How do you know which side of the buoys to stay on when traveling up or down a river?
Commission Hears Proposals for 2018 Fishing Regulations
July 20, 2017
The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission heard the first reading of proposed changes to fishing regulations at today’s meeting. These regulations will be presented for a final vote during the Commission’s August meeting and, if passed, will become effective Jan. 1, 2018.
AGFC Director Testifies to U.S. Senate to Support HELP for Wildlife Act
July 19, 2017
Arkansas Game and Fish Commission Director Jeff Crow testified before U.S. Senator John Boozman and members of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee in support of the Hunting Heritage and Environmental Legacy Preservation for Wildlife Act. The bipartisan legislation introduced by Boozman and his colleagues promotes conservation, reauthorizes existing wildlife legislation and provides regulatory clarity for sportsmen.
Anglers Advised to use Caution During Summer Heat
July 19, 2017
Fun in the sun often brings to mind pictures of relaxing on a boat, enjoying all the Arkansas outdoors has to offer. Whether you’re catching bass, crappie or bream, or just catching a few rays, it’s important to keep in mind that too much of a good thing can be damaging to your health.
Wildlife Researchers Share CWD Knowledge at Little Rock Workshop
July 19, 2017
State wildlife agency representatives and researchers from seven states, the National Park Service, U.S. Forest Service, and the Southeast Cooperative Wildlife Disease Study met July 12-13 to discuss recent findings about chronic wasting disease and to identify research priorities for the state and region.
Softball Skills Key to Northern Bobwhite Habitat Assessment
July 19, 2017
Summer means outdoor activities such as fishing, softball and the calls of the bobwhite quail whistling in the fields. You might think that bobwhite quail and the game of softball have nothing to do with each other, but biologists always are looking for ways to describe habitat conditions and life cycles of animals such as bobwhites to landowners. One quail researcher in Texas has made such an analogy. Dr. Dale Rollins, Executive Director of the Rollins Plains Quail Research Ranch in Texas has developed a simple habitat evaluation technique to determine if your property is good for quail.