CWD found in Randolph County
Dec. 31, 2021
DALTON – The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission has confirmed that a hunter-harvested white-tailed deer taken in Randolph County tested positive for chronic wasting disease.
Carbaugh Goes Airborne in Study of Waterfowl
Dec. 29, 2021
AGFC biologist Jason Carbaugh's many duties include banding birds, including wood ducks, doves and Canada geese. Here he is releasing a banded wood duck back into the wild.
Let AGFC Help With Christmas Gift-Getting
Dec. 22, 2021
LITTLE ROCK – Last-second Christmas shopping seems like its own season with the mad dash to secure that special something for that special someone. The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission may be able to ease your worries with an assortment of choices from our handy bag of ideas.
New ramp at Maddox Bay reopens public opportunity for anglers, hunters
Dec. 22, 2021
HOLLY GROVE — The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Arkansas Game and Fish Commission last week completed a new boating access to Maddox Bay, an oxbow of the White River and historic fishing and hunting hotspot in Monroe County.
Donate your Christmas tree to boost angling action
Dec. 22, 2021
LITTLE ROCK — Once the wrapping paper has been thrown away and the last drop of egg nog has been consumed, few people have a use for that evergreen tree that graced their home during the holiday season. The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission has a new job for those leftover trees: fish habitat.
Art contest elevates quail conservation in Arkansas
Dec. 22, 2021
LINCOLN — The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission has partnered with Historic Cane Hill to gain even more awareness for northern bobwhite conservation in Arkansas by creating a special art contest to determine the image to be placed on the next edition of the Arkansas Northern Bobwhite Conservation Stamp.
AGFC tags special ‘stocking’ stuffers for the holidays
Dec. 22, 2021
LITTLE ROCK — The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission’s Family and Community Fishing Program has begun trout stockings for the 2021-22 winter stocking season at ponds throughout Arkansas. This is the chance to hook into a specially tagged, prize-winning rainbow trout before the water warms too much to support these cold-water fish.